
608 9 5

Request by: my sister

Name insert: Haylie

Warnings: Strong language, Eddie's mom, Pennywise


My mom doesn't like my friends. But I think Haylie's an exception because mom hasn't complained about her. I don't see why she would, I mean Haylie comes from a good family, listens to her parents, and abides by rules. Why wouldn't my mom be okay with her?

Anyway, I'm going to meet her at the movies.

  "Mom I'm heading out to go see Batman with Haylie!" I yell to my mom.

"Oh honey, you can't go." She says.

"Why is that?" I ask; genuinely curious.

"Because she's related to that Beverly girl." My mom says.

"Mom, they're cousins. Not even by blood, they're legally related." I say.

"Fine, but stay away from Miss Marsh."

"We will."


I wait for Eddie outside the theater. I finally see his mess of brown hair walk up.
    "Eddie!" I call out.

"Sorry Hayles. Mom stopped me." He says.

"It's okay. I like your cast. Can I sign it?" I ask timidly. He grins and nods.

"Of course!" He says happily.

I take out my Sharpie and write 'And loved' under where someone wrote 'LOSER' on the white cast, and Eddie hid the 'S' with a red 'V'. He looks at it and smiles.

"Thank you Haylie." He says with a grin.

"Welcome Edds." I reply with a grin. He puts his unbroken arm around me with a smile.

    "I'm surprised that my mom let me come here with you." He says.

    "Me too honestly. Mrs. Kapsbrak hates my guts." I say with a small laugh.

    "She hates everyone's guts!"

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