Chapter 6: the presence

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As far as Valerie could recall, she had wandered for what seemed like hours following a presence; a dark presence. She couldn't seem to take control of herself. Where is she going? What is she doing?

Valerie tries to resist but her legs won't stop. She can't say anything it's as if it is controlling her.

"I'm a Jedi. I shouldn't do this." She thought to herself. At that moment Valerie fell to her knees in front of the entrance to a tunnel and that's where she saw the vision again.

She saw a Jedi? Yes it was the same Jedi that she saw in her earlier vision- the tall twilek girl in the black robe. The girl quickly entered the tunnel and disappeared down the long, winding stair case murmuring "the darkness is coming... The darkness is coming."

"What darkness!" Valerie screamed.

- that's where the vision ended. It took Valerie a few moments to come back to reality. Why would this Jedi go into the tunnel? She had to find out- by going into the tunnel.

"Well it's not like I have anything better to do." She said to herself.

Valerie valiantly picked herself up and slowly- and painfully- dragged herself towards the entrance. She felt as if she was in a trance the second the touched the entrance- the cold sandstone gritting against the palm of her hand. She hobbled, descending into the dark abyss of the dark tunnel, shuffling down the cold, hard stone floor of the stairs.

It was a few minutes before she reached the bottom of the stair well. The moment she touched the landing of the tunnel she began to feel her strength regaining and a quickened pace, the long beckoning of the darkness seeping through the walls of the tunnel. The power coursing through her body- her mind, her body- she felt alive.

At the end of the tunnel; about 100 metres ahead she saw a red sinister glow calling her. Waiting for her.

Valerie began her walk, with every step she became more confident; more powerful. Before she knew it she was no longer limping because of her wounds; she was walking fast. She felt almost breathless but was not thinking about what she was doing: she sensed the darkness. As she made it to the end of the tunnel the red glow consumed her, she became lost to the darkness that had befallen her but at that moment she passed out and all she saw was darkness.

Valerie could not even feel herself any longer is was as if she was never dead- her mind completely joined with the force.

She again saw the girl- this time with the hood lowered to reveal her slender boned face. It also was bright purple except for a dark black tatoo that stretched out in waved lines from her left eye. The girl also wore a black coloured leather band that was wrapped around her forehead and lekku.

She woke to find herself in a chamber surrounded by the red glow. Then she thought to herself for the first time in ages. "What am I doing here" she felt as if the rope that was pulling her had been severed.

She again saw the robed figure of the Jedi-

"What am I doing here?" Valerie asked.

"Beware 66" the Jedi replied.

"66?" Valerie questioned.

"Beware it, it is death." The Jedi answered, not noticing Valerie's frustration.

"Why is it death?" Valerie said, attempting to keep her voice steady.

"I cannot tell you anymore." The Jedi replied.

The twilek Jedi girl turned to walk away.

"Wait who are you?" Valerie asked, trying to calm herself down.

"I used to be a Jedi" the Jedi replied, unphased by the question.

"What was your name?" Valerie yelled. But the Jedi had already dissapeared into the darkness.

"66?" She thought. "Why should I be afraid of a number?"

Valerie decided that she should find out- she would venture further into the tunnel.

"This must be a tomb of a dead Sith Lord from hundreds of years ago, maybe the twilek Jedi girl I saw wasn't a Jedi, but a sith." Valerie said to herself brushing her hand against the cold sandstone wall as she descended down the dimly lit tunnel.

She saw pictures and drawings on the walls of what she thought where sith executing Jedi. "Slightly disturbing." She reassured herself.

Then she saw it- the number- 66.

It was just inscribed on the wall.

Valerie put out one hand to touch it, she realised it had colour and raised her lightsaber to see it in the light more clearly.

Blood. It was painted in blood.

Valerie shuddered to think what it meant. A symbol for death? "The Jedi girl did say to beware. But what could it be for?- the Jedi? Are they sending 66 battle cruisers? 66 Sith Lords?" She said to herself, shocked.

She needed to find out. And find out quick. The Jedi, the republic, democracy as she knew it was in danger. She decided that she needed more proof as to 66- not just a vision and some writing in a tomb but she needed to find something more. Intel on seperatist plots? Maybe but not likely that you would find something like that in a tomb.

She slowly followed to tunnel to where she found a small scroll, it appeared old and tattered with age. Carefully Valerie picked it up and opened it- it read-


The plot- order 66 is already in motion.


Isa javros."

"So the sith where plotting something, maybe the Jedi girl I saw earlier was Isa Javros. I have to investigate further." So Valerie picked up the scroll and decided to pit it in a pocket on her belt and set off down the tunnel.

When Valerie reached the end of the tunnel. She found an alter- it was covered in blood. Covered in blood with the number 66 all over it.

"Eugh, these sith are obsessed with that number."

But then that's when she saw it- on the top of the alter there was a lightsaber. The same sort of lightsaber that was clipped to the belt of the Jedi girl she kept seeing in her visions. "Maybe she was the one killed" Valerie said as she walked over the blood stained tiles.

And then she saw it, the skeleton.

"I have to go, now." She thought to herself in fear.

Valerie quickly grabbed the lightsaber and ran to the surface. She had all she needed to know- the Jedi girl that she saw was executed to the number 66- it must have had some meaning.

As she ran she clipped the lightsaber to her belt.

When she finally made it to the surface she was relived and tired and dozed off to sleep. She woke to find herself in a medical bay. She quickly sat up to find the Jedi girls lightsaber and scroll still on her belt- so she could relax. But how did she get here?

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