Chapter 14

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What happened last night scared Kit pretty much, he can't fall asleep until Ming hold him in his embrace to feel safe. When Ming wake up he was still holding Kit, he didn't want to wake him up yet, after all it's Saturday and don't have classes today. So Ming easily sneaked out from bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up a bit. After that he go to buy breakfast for his KitKat and something to drink. He drive to their usual noodle restaurant and buy two dishes of their usual order to take out. He drive back home fast and parked in front of his dorm when his phone start to ring.
Ming: " Hello?! "
The Police Officer: " Mr. Mingkwan D. ? "
Ming: " Yeah, This is me! "
Officer: " I want to inform you that we catch the culprit. "
Ming: " You did? "
Officer: " Yes, he is in custody right now, you need to came to the station for statements and other formalities. "
Ming: " Ok, we will be there today. Thank you. "
He hang up and go towards his room to deliver the food to Kit. When he entered the room, someone want to hit him with a baseball bat, but he was fast enough and avoided the hit. He catch the bat and pull to himself to let the enemy unarmed and after that he saw that the culprit was his Kit that looked puzzled and overwhelmed.
Ming: Kit, why the hell did you do that?!
Kit: "I'm so sorry Ming..... I thought that you are the one who try to hurt me. " said Kit crying and pressed himself against Ming's chest and Ming hugged him tightly and kissed Kit's forehead.
Ming: It's ok baby, you are scared, it's okay. Let's go in bed to get some rest.
They put themselves in bed, Ming was holding Kit and caress Kit's nape and head to make him fall asleep.
Kit: Mingkwan, don't leave me alone please.
Ming: I won't baby, just sleep now.
After Kit fall asleep completely, Ming pull out his phone and call the police officer.
Ming: Sir, are you one hundred percent sure that you find the real culprit?
Officer: Yes, he confessed all.
Ming: I want to talk to him.
Officer: I don't see why not.m
Ming: I will be at the station in the evening.
Ming hang up and call P'Pha, Wayo's boyfriend.
Ming: Hello P'
Pha: What's up nong?
Ming: I want to ask you if you can to watch over P'Kit while I'm not here.
Pha: Sure, but what are you up to?
Ming: Some errands to do P'.
Pha: For your own good I hope it's that way.
        Ming looked at Kit that was still sleeping, Ming kissed him and said.
Ming: I will solve it my KitKat, I promise to you. No one is gonna scare you anymore, I won't allow it.
   Ming was already at the police station to see the culprit. He entered the room where he was and take a seat in front of him.
Ming: Why are you doing this?
Kluai: You know that Moowan doesn't like to lose and she won't.
Ming: She's crazy why are you following her orders.
Kluai: Because she pay me very good for that and actually your Kit is very cute. If I was still free I will try something more skin to skin contact with Kit, if you know what I mean.
           When Ming heard that he can't hold it anymore and punch the guy right in nose, he was at the ground, Ming was above him hitting him hard and with anger, the blood was everywhere. The officers came in and take Ming outside to stop the fight. He was demanding to go home.
          He arrived at the dorm and entered the room he saw all of his friends there waiting for him. Kit approach Ming and asked.
Kit: Where were you?
Ming: I had something to do.
Kit: What was more important than staying with me?
       Ming didn't answer. kit looked carefully at Ming and saw that he has blood on his shirt and everywhere actually, how come he didn't notice at first?
Kit: Are you bleeding?
Ming: It's not my blood.
Kit: Then, who's blood is this?
Ming: Belong to the one that harassed you.
Kit: Why do you have his blood on you?
Ming: Because I beaten him up.
         Before Kit could say more a knock on the door disturb them, Kit went to open the door and see two officers in front of him.
Kit: Yes?
Officer: Mingkwan D. ?
Kit: Yeah, he is inside.
           Once he said that the officers entered the room and walk straight towards Ming and handcuffed him.
Officer: Mingkwan D. you are arrested for the murder of Kluai A.
       All his friend were shocked and puzzled while their friend was taken to the station.

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