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So, I started a patreon account, merely for the fact that I'm a broke student with no money whatsoever, where I will post all of my stories that are here too and the stories I will have in the future too. On patreon I'll post daily, Fifty Shades of Ming, cause I know you all love that story, but I will post more often the other stories too.

Now, I won't delete my wattpad and move my stories there, cause this is where it all started. I will keep posting here too, at the normal pace you all are accustomed to, once in a blue moon, sorry for the lack of updates of my older stories and the new one.

But, all I ask is who can and want to go to check my patreon page, just check it out, you don't need to pledge if you don't want to, just go and look, it's a little for now, cause I just made it, but it will grow.

Now, I know that you, my readers, supported me so much, so if you can and have the possibility take into consideration pledging to my patreon, link above, the cheapest price it's just 1$ dollar a month, there are three categories of prices, but 1 dollar it's more than enough for me, so just go and check out the page and only if you want to support me financially then you can do it, if my page will get 0 patrons, I won't be mad cause it's no one's fault and as I said I'll keep being here posting chapters, the only difference it's that on patreon the updates will be daily as I said and other benefits that I specified in the page, so go read there all you need to know.

I will be forever grateful to those who pledged on my patreon page and to those who support me here. And for sure, I will appreciate if you will tell people about my page too, promotion is always good. Please, spread the word that I'm on patreon too and thank you for reading this long ass message, and I love you all cause you all have been always here, my readers, thank you to you all.

.S: Check out my other stories here on wattpad, I wrote so many more new stories of MingKit/KimCop, you will find translations as well.

Thank you :)))) <3

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