Chapter 24

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Kit's POV
I open my eyes and I realized that I'm in a hospital room. I look around and finally I see him, the man I'm craving for, Ming.
He is sleeping in a chair right beside me, I smile ai that image it makes me happy to see him right here with me. I shake him gently to wake him up.
Kit: Ming, wake up, please.
Ming suddenly open his eyes and look at me from toe to head assess me.
Ming: Everything alright? Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor to take a look?
Kit: No, I'm fine. I just want a cuddle session, I feel lonely here on the bed.
He smiles at me and slowly get up from his chair, take a seat comfortably beside me and hug me gently.
Kit: I missed you, Mingkwan.
Ming: I missed you too, KitKat and from now on I will never let go of you. I promise.
*************************************Ming's POV
             Finally, I can take my KitKat home. I pack all of our things in the car and then help P'Kit to arrive at the car, I opened the door and fasten his seatbelt and then drive back to our house.
  Kit: I'm so happy that we are going home, I have missed this place.
Ming: Me too baby, me too.
Kit: How are our surrogate mothers?
Ming: They are fine, the babies are on their way, don't worry.
Kit: I don't, I know you take care of them while I was gone.
Ming: Kit, I want to forget the period that you were gone and never mention it again, ok?
Kit: We can't move on if we don't talk about it, Ming.
Ming: Kit, I don't want you to recall any memories from then, it'll will hurt you baby and I can't see you hurt again...I can't.
             My tears start to fall because all I see in my mind is that image of P'Kit in that room when I found him, I cry because I'm aware no matter how much I try I can't protect him forever and that hurts very bad.
Kit: Please Ming, don't cry I didn't mean to upset you.
Ming: You don't upset me KitKat, you are my happiness, you can't upset me. I love you KitKat.
         I lean for a kiss and he kissed me back. God how much I love this man.
We enter our house and I carry Kit in my arms to the bedroom, I know he can walk, but I want to spoil him.
Ming: P'Kit, I will go to kitchen to make lunch for us and you wait here on the bed.
        I turn around and was about to leave when he pull me back, I turn back at him.
Ming: P' Kit, What is wrong?
Kit: I don't want to be alone, can I go to the Kitchen with you?
Ming: Of course KitKat.
           I approached him, Kiss his beautiful lips and carry him in my arms to the Kitchen. As long as he stay with me he won't pick up even a straw.

A.N: Tell me what you think about this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote and a comment.

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