Chapter 15

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It was a bad day for Kit, his boyfriend get arrested and he can't do nothing about it, he was feeling useless and weak. P'Pha drive him to the station the day after Ming was arrested, because the officers didn't allow visitors in that moment. Kit arrived at the police station with P'Pha and walk towards the reception to ask about Ming. The lady at the counter check and now Ming was allowed with visitors so Kit walk with Pha towards the special room where they will see Ming. When Kit entered the room he saw Ming in orange uniform and with handcuffs at hands and legs. That image scared Kit, his heart was broken and aching. Kit seat in front of Ming and Pha beside Kit. Kit and Ming were looking deeply in each other's eyes like they were the only people in the room, Kit's tears starts to fall and Ming wiped them away and said.
Ming: Don't cry my love, I don't to see you crying, be strong for us.
Kit: I can't Ming..... it's too much for me.
Ming: I know, but hold it a little more.
Pha decided to say something too.
Pha: So, what really happened?
Ming: Apparently after I beat up the guy, I cause him internal bleeding and he died after few hours. They will hold a trial to accuse me for his murder.
Pha: To cause him internal bleeding from beating it's really hard almost impossible, so something it's wrong here.
Ming: I know, but I'm tied up what can I do?
Pha: We will help you.
Ming: Tanks. P'Pha can you let us alone for a moment, please?
Pha: Sure.
After Pha leaves Ming hold Kit's hands and said.
Ming: If I will be found guilty I will be imprisoned for life and I want you KitKat to not wait for me anymore, I want you to go find yourself someone that will love you and make you happy.
Kit: No, I won't do such thing, you are the only one that I will love for eternity. You and only you no one else.
Ming: I want you to be happy and waiting for me it's not part of your bright future.
Kit: There is no future without you in it, so stop with that bullshit. I won't listen to it anymore.
Ming: My boyfriend it's such a fighter.
Kit: Yeah, your and for good!
Ming could only smile at his boyfriend and his stubbornness, but deep inside him he knows that he need to let go of Kit if he won't be released.
The guard came and announced that the time is over and Kit need to go even if he don't want to leave. They hugged each other, mostly Kit because Ming was tied up, and go each to their place. Ming turn around and shout.
Ming: I love you my KitKat.
Kit: I love you too Ming.
Kit walk to the parking lot where Pha was waiting for him.
Pha: Everything ok?
Kit: Will be.
A.N: I succeed to write another chapter, most of it I wrote it in the bus to my way home. I hope you like it and please support me further. See you next time.

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