• Prologue •

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"What's the difference between the light and the dark?"

"What's the difference between the light and the dark?"

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It was said that the Moon Goddess loved all of her children, regardless of the rumors and myths fabricated through legend. She smiled upon mates who accepted each other and praised strong packs who defended their weak. She loved to watch them grow, silently nurturing their greatest needs.

The young pup was found on the doorstep of the Alpha of Crystal Peak Pack, a baby blue blanket the only thing protecting her from the cool autumn wind. There was no mother or father in sight but a note pinned to her blanket.

A vague series of words that read 'She will bring fortune.'

The Alpha brought the pup into his home that night, intending to send it back to her parents when his trackers found them in the morning, but little did he know that the pup was an orphan who had no home. She was all alone in the world with no one to care for her.

His best members searched far and wide for any trace of someone for days and they returned home every night empty handed with no more words to spill than heavy apologies. His Beta visited over a dozen different packs, searching for word of a lost child, but there was nothing.

As the days grew into weeks, the Alpha started to feel a connection with the infant. She was small with chestnut golden hair swirling around her tiny soft head. She would open her bright silver eyes and they would light up instantly at the sight of him.

He knew that he couldn't let her go, and she became his own.

The pack supported his decision, knowing that his mate had died not a year before. The little pup that appeared on his doorstep seemed like a little bit of light in the dark that threatened to end his life.

He named her Reeve April Monsor.

He raised the pup with a sense of priority, always teaching her the ways of an Alpha, and it didn't take long for the dominance to show through the pup. She was of great blood. The two made an inseparable bond as she grew taller, her hair grew longer and she developed a puerile humor that got her in trouble more often than none.

She was a beloved member of the pack, the Alpha's adopted daughter, and the members took turns teaching her what they could. She learned the ways of a warrior earlier than most, and it was her benefit in survival. She considered everyone family. 

Werewolves with hearts.  

On her fifteenth birthday on a fine summer day, the she-wolf shifted for the very first time into her elegant wolf that was different than most. Her wolf was light silver grey in color with black highlights running down her snout, around her eyes, down her slender back and tail. Her ears were almost completely black, making her look like a raccoon rather than a wolf.

As the newly shifted wolf discovered her abilities, she found herself very skilled at tracking as she set off in the woods tracking small prey like rabbits, mice or snakes. The Beta decided to train her more in tracking until she could track scents better than the Alpha himself, holding the shrewd ability to blend in with her surroundings. 

The she-wolf was a phenomenon.

A gift of fortune. 

Her ability was spread through Northern America like wildfire, a popular gossip, until nearly every pack knew of the she-wolf whose name was Reeve, and that's when her days became numbered. 

Her destiny had always been uncertain, the note harboring a vague mystery, and it brought the downfall of her world. 

Fortune became devastation.   

The greed couldn't be ignored, and a larger pack by the name of Lyon's swept into the Crystal Peak pack in the dead of night. Everyone Reeve had ever grown to know was slaughtered before her eyes, the amount of blood unable to be hidden in the drenched soil, and then the she-wolf was stolen away in the clutches of the Lyons Pack. 

She was innocent to the world of sinister darkness, but that innocence was ripped from her the moment she saw the true face of evil. The Lyons Pack tortured her, forcing her to help them rise to power, and it destroyed her. She suffered scars deeper than her skin. There no escape from the tyrannical reality.

Heartless werewolves.

They broke her. She learned not to cry, only pain answered. She didn't beg for the pain to stop, it was no use. She accepted everything in silence, the noise excited them. She craved the adrenaline that flooded her veins as soon as blood reached her tongue.

She became a bloodthirsty beast. 

There was no sympathy in her as her primal instincts were unleashed. She let everything go because when the demons had nothing left to ravage from her soul, she could finally beat them. They couldn't destroy the darkness that was stronger than them all, and she found her refuge there.

This became the anthem of an abused werewolf with a gift.

As the packs of North America fought over her like she was a possession, she passed through three more packs in the following years, leaving each one with a little less humanity. A little less of what kept her sane.

Finally, the she-wolf was swept away by a pack called Blackwood, after war threatened to take over the werewolf communities. They took her off the map, deep into the wintry mountains of some state she didn't know the name of and they hid her away where no one could find her.

She was starved there in the coldness of her cell, worse than ever before, and death hung right around the corner. She couldn't even escape that but rather she hoped for its forgiving bliss in the world she's known as Hell. 

Five months passed with every pack in North America scrambling to find the lost she-wolf first,  but there was nothing. No evidence to prove her survival, no whisper of her in the land. Eventually, she was concluded as dead by rumors, and then it was over. 

The packs returned to their orderly functions and the world continued to spin.

She was forgotten from the minds of werewolves as it seemed that her destiny had finally reached its end. She was a shell of Reeve, an empty shadow. Her soul was torn apart thread by thread until there was nothing left but a dark, bottomless pit.

It was her fated destiny ...

... but it wasn't her demise.

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