• Reviews •

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Thank you to everyone who left a review! I really loved hearing what you thought of my book. If you'd like to add a review, comment it here!

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"This book was honestly so different. I loved it. It didn't push the fact that she was abused on to you. It just kind of showed it through the way she acted. I really love this book. I love the way you've written it. It's super unique and I love it. Plus it wouldn't really fit if you tried to continue the story in one book. It would just be weird. I think splitting it into two books was the best decision."


"I am honestly so glad to be here! I'm so fucking (pardon my french) excited for the second book too!!! I can't wait. Thank you for sharing your writing with us. This was truly one of the best books I've ever read, hands down. You are an amazing author, and I look forward to Reeve's journey in the future books!"

~ doodledpassion

"This book was one of the best books I've read on wattpad. It is so emotional and I cried alot reading it, but its seriously such a unique stand out. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they want their hearts torn out and their emotions mixed up. I really loved this book, its more than amazing and I hope that in the future I can hold Her Fated Destiny in my hands. You are an incredible author and once you stop doubting yourself, you are gonna go to great places!"


"To be honest I tried writing this awesome little dedication to your epic piece of literature , but then I somehow started writing about how a pack's name sounds like a moon going through a mid - life crisis(and I don't even know anymore), so I've come to the conclusion that my first attempt at a cute little dedication sucked, because your terrific writing and magnificent plot- tore me apart. So before I fuck this attempt up- I'll say this; Your book is so bloody good that I wanted to cry. A lot. It was so good that I want you to publish it, but at the same time, not publish it because then other people who are broke af(like me) won't be able to read your book (because we'll have to buy it first)and then will be forced to come on to Wattpad and will only be left with shitty books to read. So thank you very much."

~ Squeedie-pie

"I LOVED IT! This book was ABSOLUTELY fantastically amazingly fantabulously AWESOME. I have no more words to describe it, I'm just speechless really. It's a wonderful book and you are an absolutely amazing writer, I could just feel all the emotion and I could understand everything. I really loved it. I NEED to read your next book."


"This book.. I have no words. It made me laugh, cry and feel like a proud mother. I love the character development and epigraphs. I love the sibling bond between Reeve and Cassius. I love every aspect of this book. I love how it isn't cliché either. Honest to the Moon Goddess, God, Allah, Zeus, Jupiter, all the Gods the BEST book I have ever read in my life (and I'm a die-hard Rick Riordan fan and *no offence to him* your book is better than his) and I can't wait to read the rest of her journey." 


"Her Fated Destiny was one the best werewolf books I've ever read! I've already recommended it to several friends. I'm moving on to the others now!"


"I think you don't give yourself enough credit as a writer! This book is amazing! I have read many many many books on here and never been moved enough to comment until now! I can't wait to read the rest!" 

 ~ WhitneyGarcia690

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This will be updated periodically as reviews are given. 

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