• Chapter Six •

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"How do you remember?"

"How do you remember?"

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She paced the length of the room relentlessly.

A pattern was bound to become ingrained in the oak wood floor from the single path that she trekked from one side of the room to the other, the irritation and anger clinging to her like a gloomy rain cloud.

Four florescent bulbs quietly hummed above her head, their light casting the room in a warm golden hue that she refused to acknowledge as comforting; if anything it put her more on edge.

The room was a ten by ten foot box that possessed a certain type of potion, and no matter how many times she tried to push her hearing, the room impeded her attempts. Ever since they'd locked her in the room, she had searched for every possible weak point, but the ones who built the room were a step ahead of her, leaving no chance of escape.

She was unable to keep track of the time due to the room being windowless. She didn't know if it was day or night, raining or sunny. There was no way to predict what could come next, and it left her with a feeling of unease twisting in the pit of her stomach.

When would they come?

Her muscles were coiled, ready to strike in a second. There wasn't so much as a single word from her captors once they had left her completely alone, and their actions thoroughly confused her.

They hadn't inflicted any pain on her.

Nobody had threatened to come in and beat her.

She glanced at the tray that had been slid into her room. She knew an Alpha had given it to her, for she could smell him just outside the door when he came and his scent clung to the tray. She scoffed, her eyes narrowing in distrust.

She knew this game.

Her wolf had relinquished control to her as soon as the circumstances were deemed safe for the time, and she could faintly feel Sekhet working on healing their body of its injuries. She knew that her wolf was exhausted, she could feel it seeping through their bond, but Sekhet refused to accept rest until their body was returned to some state of health.

Her wolf was determined to chase death away.

The delicious scent of fresh meat called to her stomach, and she struggled to ignore it. She slowly came to the ends of her mental restraint and she sat down in the middle of the room, focusing her attention on the tray. She opened her senses, searching for the scent of a drug, or pain inducing herbs--scrutinizing the objects.

She titled her head, muddled, when she discovered that the food was clean.

She stood and paced a few more times, her eyes never leaving the food, contemplating her options carefully. Her wolf didn't seem concerned about it at all, and some part of her knew that they needed the nutrition to rebuild their strength. She couldn't argue.

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