• Chapter Fourteen •

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"Can trust form in a broken soul?"    

"Can trust form in a broken soul?"    

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Her ears twitched at the familiar sound of the door opening, the only thing that stood between her and freedom. She just had to figure out how to get past it, and without being caught by the men of the pack she was captive in.

Cassius walked into the room with two thin plastic bags hanging from his arm, and she could smell the human scent oozing from the objects. Her nose crinkled a little in distaste. She didn't hate the humans but the ones that she did have run-ins with, she would have loved to end their pathetic lives. 

Humans were the definition of chaos. 

They have no inner beast to guide them, they acted purely on their carnal nature, they chose to tear each other down in order to build themselves up. They were greedy creatures, and they stole without regret. 

She once thought there was a difference between the humans and the werewolves, she was solidarity in believing it, but she had been proven wrong. She discovered that every living being held a darker desire, and it was only summoned when greater fortune presents itself.

She was that fortune. 

The gift that she possessed was nothing but a curse, and in the end, she knew it would bring the reaper of souls to her very doorstep. It was inevitable. 

She couldn't escape her destiny. 


Her ears perked at the sound of Cassius's voice, and she lifted her eyes to see him already staring at her. The remnants of her thoughts unwrapped themselves from her mind and drifted away.

"You weren't listening, were you?" 

She absentmindedly shifted her left paw before she gracefully rose to her full height and stretched her paws into the floor with a yawn. Cassius set down her meal with a chuckle and backed away a few steps as she strode towards him and sat in her usual spot. 

"As I was saying," He said as she began to devour her meal, "There was a minor disturbance yesterday with the pack and that's why I didn't come, but I have some exiting news for you!" 

She paused chewing and slowly looked up at him. Sekhet shifted in her mind, a low snarl echoing through their bond. 

Cassius held up the plastic bag, "I'm going to give you a bath!" 

As soon as the words registered, her entire body froze, her eyes narrowing dangerously. Cassius continued to grin as she grated her left paw against the floor. 

He laughed, "Of course you'd answer that way, but it doesn't matter. We gotta mask that scent of yours, its really strong you know." 

A low growl rumbled through her chest, the last time she'd let a male touch her it had ended in the jagged scar running down the middle of her shoulder blades. She unconsciously rolled her shoulders at the memory and another growl erupted in the back of her throat, threatening to become a snarl. 

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