• Chapter Eleven •

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"Do you know what it is to survive?"         

"Do you know what it is to survive?"         

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The steady downfall of rain pattered against the windows, begging to be let in, and the majority of the warriors chose to spend the day inside; besides the patrolling wolves that were troubled with the task of picking up rogue scents while Niagara falls was pouring over their bodies. 

It was a slow and quiet day. The Alpha and Beta spent most of their time in their offices writing out long overdue paperwork and assessing the current news among the werewolf community. 

As the word traveled, the Hunters have started to press into the mountains of the west, and a family of werewolves had been murdered within the last few days, leaving the concern a pressing issue with the Council. There has been a rapid increase of Hunters over the past two weeks and there was no explanation as to why.

Some werewolves proposed that the human Hunters were building an army, and predicted something terrible to happen, and it laid stress among the werewolf communities. 

Due to the recent threats, some packs have joined with other packs to double their protection, and alliance papers had shown up on Leon's desk, but he decided to wait on the matter until further news arrived about the Hunters; because if he had to forge an alliance with his neighboring packs the secret of the she-wolf would be unveiled eventually and he wasn't willing to put his pack in that position just yet.

Cassius had slept till noon, as if nothing could concern him, but once he was awake the house was filled with distant shouts and laughter, much to everyone's dismay. When Leon had chosen Cassius as his Gamma, the green eyed fool had announced that he'd keep everyone on their toes, and to this day, he hadn't been kidding.

"Give that back!" 

"Catch me, you overgrown bear!" 

Cassius bolted through the hallways, the television remote in his hand, and an angry Lucas in hot pursuit. 

"Cassius, I swear to the Moon Goddess," Lucas snarled, skidding around a corner, "I'm really going to throw you outside in the rain all night if you don't give me that goddamn remote!" 

"I rank above you, buckaroo!" Cassius shot back over his shoulder. 

They sped through every hallway in the house, shouting curses at each other, plowing past confused pack members who ended up in the way, and jumping down staircases. Lucas figured out the pattern of the Gamma's running, and took an abrupt turn that ended the chase. 

"Got you, mutt!" Lucas snarled, yanking Cassius off his feet and pinning him to the floor.

"Asher!" Cassius shrieked, keeping the remote just out of Lucas's reach. When there was no immediate response, the Gamma screamed again, "ASHER!" 

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