• Chapter Nineteen •

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"Where do we start in anything?"  

"Where do we start in anything?"  

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They watched Reeve improve every day. 

Cassius had been right when he said something was different with Reeve. She just didn't carry the same darkness with her, and Leon noticed the light growing in her eyes, as if a huge stress had been taken from her shoulders. 

Reeve would follow Cassius to breakfast, and the change was almost unreal, however she still didn't like Darren. Reeve almost bit Darren's fingers off when he tried to give her a piece of bread one day, and Cassius concluded that the Healer should keep his distance. 

They went about their daily activities with the she-wolf roaming around them, and sometimes they would catch her making rounds in the house as if she was checking on everyone. Other times she'd lay at random places in the hallways or at the top of the stairs where she could see all the movement, and it amused them. 

As time progressed, Leon let his curiosity get the best of him, and he began to search into Reeve's background. Although they were werewolves, they were still identified in the same way that humans were. Leon avoided making contact with the community agency, because he knew it would arise suspicion, so he used a disposable computer to hack into their services. 

He tried to use Reeve's full name to locate files, but she didn't appear to be in the system, so he pulled up all the birth records in her birth year and tried going about it that way. Still, he turned up empty handed.  

There were no other traces to follow, and Leon struggled to make connections. He couldn't believe that anyone could be such a ghost in the werewolf community, everyone had a background somewhere, and yet Reeve had nothing. 

She was impossible to track. 

The she-wolf was a ghost, and whoever her birth parents were did a good job of making themselves disappear, as well as anyone from the hierarchy. 

They got a clean blood sample from Reeve, with Cassius's help, but the results only held her blood type. She didn't match with any of the werewolf descendants, yet she carried the Alpha genetics. The pack began to get involved in the search, and they had been sorting through the backgrounds of the deceased Crystal Peak Pack members when a misplaced date appeared on the Alpha's record. 

Leon followed the date, and it led them to a file that had been forgotten in the system. It was in the deceased section, and it held a single birth date. There was nothing else on the file.

Someone had been tampering in the system, that much Leon knew. 

Eventually, they just accepted Reeve to be an orphan. Cassius gave Reeve weekly baths to keep her scent masked, and when he wasn't in the kitchen whipping up another meal for the growing she-wolf, he was sneaking around stealing things and making chaos. 

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