• Chapter Nine •

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"Do you know trust?"     

"Do you know trust?"     

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A couple of songbirds sung their sweet tunes beyond the window, the sun slowly rising above the mountain, and the darkness seemed to evaporate from the forests, leaving the nature slightly twinged with frost from the brisk night.

The faint noise of men shuffling around and doors closing disrupted the morning serenity, the arrival of the sun having woken them, and two of the warriors, Finn and Nathan, made their way downstairs to begin making breakfast for the pack members they lived with. 

Every pack house had their appointed cooks, and they were responsible for making the meals on a daily basis, but there wasn't a wolf in the pack that didn't know how to cook. It was an effort between the members since they only had one female currently in their territory.

It wasn't like the Moon Goddess didn't bless them with mates, they just hadn't found them yet. A couple of the members did find their mates, but the females chose to reject them. It wasn't often they could come across a female that would approve of their justifying ways, as their opinion of equality wasn't very popular among the werewolf community.

The weak must be banished to strengthen the pack, was the maxim imprinted in every wolf's brain by the Werewolf Council. It was a very dishonorable stipulation within the community, but the werewolves had the free will to decide their compliance, and Alpha Leon made his stand very clear that last time he met with the Elders; but he was not relieved of his obligatory because he and his pack were still werewolves.

The sweet aroma of brewing coffee consumed the house, followed by the divine smell of egg omelettes and sizzling bacon. 

It was a slightly busy time as nighttime patrols made their final rounds, and the regular patrolling wolves took up their places. The territory was under secure surveillance twenty four seven, as they could never be too sure about the surrounding packs. 

The cooks provided for the wolves that needed to do patrols ahead of time but sometimes the men would choose to hunt for their own meal.

Asher sauntered into the kitchen in nothing but grey sweatpants cladding his body, stifling a yawn with his hand. His amber eyes glanced at Ralf, who'd just got back from nighttime patrolling and Asher noted how bothered the silent brute looked. 

"What bit you?" Asher reached up to pull a mug out of the cabinet before turning to the coffee pot.

Ralf grunted. 

"Words would be efficient." He didn't have to look up to know that he was receiving the coldest glare from the warrior, and Asher indifferently shrugged, "Not like you'd ever reply, but whatever."

"Good morning, bunnies!" A faint voice sung and then the sound of footsteps thundering down the stairs made the four men in the kitchen groan, their expressions becoming rather cross. 

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