• Chapter Seven •

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"Where does one find their peace?"

The forest scenery whipped by, nothing more than a blur of different shades of green in a world of color

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The forest scenery whipped by, nothing more than a blur of different shades of green in a world of color. He dodged under low hanging limbs, skirted around tree trunks and soared over the various logs and rocks that adorned the forest floor.

He was unstoppable.

His paws dug into the soft, rich soil, flinging it behind him in his wake. His mind was consumed the feeling of being free and at peace, he never wanted to feeling to go away. In his wolf's form, the world could not concern him.

The world couldn't wrap its webs of burden around him and hold him captive.

He was an animal of pure free spirit. The wildness inside of him was purring in content, savoring the wind ripping through his fur. His massive blonde wolf wouldn't give up the mountains that made his home for the world.

The ground beneath his paws tilted as he rounded the top of the mountain, and he descended down the other side with the sweet smell of the river ahead filling his nostrils. A few times, his paws slipped on the leave trodden ground, but his quick reflexes kept him from tumbling down the hill like an inexperienced pup.

His territory consisted of the mountains of the north, and the small meadows of the west. His Father had owned this territory, although it was much larger in the day and more rural, but when the Alpha title was passed to him, he knew that he couldn't bear the leave the beauty of his childhood home.

Of course, the territory was like a borderline between the human civilization and the land that belonged to the wolves, and sometimes things could get a little heated, but he preferred the southern air; because even though wolves were natural to northern temperatures, he wasn't fond of the snow being constantly present. The white blizzards only came around once a year for a couple of months, and then the green color would return to the earth.

He slowed from his pace as the river came into view, and by the time he reached the waters edge, he had slowed to a lumbering walk. His tongue lulled out of his mouth as he panted, restoring the air in his lungs that had been lost in the sprint.

The water was refreshing on his tongue as he took a long drink. He was careful to drink only what he needed so that his stomach wasn't weighed down in case of an emergency.

He had appointed his two Advisers to keep up with the rumors. If there was any suspicion or change in tides, he would know of it. As of late, the packs were oblivious to the she-wolf that he harbored; still under the impression that she was dead.

There were a few rogue disturbances through-out the past week, but as soon as they had stepped foot into his territory, his warriors on patrol had taken them out. He preferred to eliminate the rogues than imprison them.

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