Love someone

22 4 0

When you love someone
but they love someone else.
It hurts
It really does.
Knowing that you have to stay quiet
And keep away...

But it'll be ok
That someone you love is happy
So we can be happy
Just keep smiling that amazing smile
And never stop being yourself.

When you care about that someone so much
It's easy to stay quiet
"Just get over it and stay quiet"

They love and care about each other
So let's fake a smile and just
Be happy.

You don't need that special someone
knowing you're upset like this
"It's not like it matters, because you know, I don't matter."
Everything will be ok... one day.


Non voglio perderti ... non voglio fare niente che ti farà odiare. Farò tutto quello che devo fare per assicurarmi non ti perderò mai.

Mahal kita Bikuta.

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