One Week

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One week.
I feel so weak.
Wishing to see you,
I know you miss me too.
You're green to go,
While I'm stuck at red.
Feeling so low.
While you are high and ready to go.

I hope your dream is everything that you imagine,
That you're happy now,
And feel like you are where you belong.
I don't know where are roads are going to lead,
If we are ever going to be meant to be,
But I hope you will always remember me.
I hope when you see something that reminds you of me,
You will smile and cherish those memories.

We came so far.
Like a movie,
From one scene to the next
Till we finially reached the end.
Wishing for time to slow down,
As the days went by,
As we ran out of time.

One week.
I feel so weak.
I'm going to miss you.
You mean the world to me,
That's why I let you free,
So you can be where
And who
You are meant to be.

I love you Doll.


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