Chapter 7 | If only

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C H A P T E R 7
1213 WORDS

    The cold phone was pressed onto my cheek

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    The cold phone was pressed onto my cheek. The ringing flowed through my ears repeatedly. I was tired and very impatient.
  I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to say to this girl, Beverly. I didn't know who she was at all. I didn't know if she was nice or rude, snobby or shy.

    This whole "killer clown" thing rightfully had me on the edge of my seat. Not because the idea of it is was horrifying, but rather because I felt like a complete loser for believing it at all.
   Was I stupid? There's no way that this all could be real, right?
    If it weren't for the fact that three of my friends were missing, I wouldn't be doing any of this.

   My foot smacked nervously upon the hardwood floor. My back was against the wall as I continued to fiddle with my fingers. She wasn't going to answer.
   I let out a deep sigh of frusteration before taking the phone and putting it back on the wall.


    I stopped for a moment to listen.


    My eyes quickly widened with realization as I clicked the phone off the stand and brought it back to my ear.
  "Is someone there?" A soft, mellow voice said. It sounded as if she had just woken up.

   "Yes, yes, hi." I managed to speak out.

"Who are you?" She asked.

   "My name is Amy, Amy Solac. Are you Beverly Marsh?"

   "Yeah" she softly spoke.

"Good, good." I smiled, "So uh, I kinda need you do to me a favour." I paused.

  "A favour?" She asked.

"It's a long story. I over heard some of my friends talking about you, and I kinda need help with something."


"Yeah, you may know them. I think you were friends with them before." I realized I was coming off as creepy snd deranged, but I couldn't go back now.

  "Where are you from?"


   "Do you know Bill?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Bill. I know him."

    A small chuckle was heard from the other line, it made me smile.

   "So, would you like to help?" I asked her.

"I mean, sure. But it depends what you need help with."

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