Chapter 10 | The return

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C H A P T E R 10



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   The next day I had woken up ungodly early. The plan that the we had made the following night was decent, so I was excited yet anxious to see how it'd play out.

    On my bike, I raced towards the old house on Neilbolt. Everyone had gotten there before me, but when I saw their smiles widen as I approached, it made me feel happy.

    I never belonged somewhere. I never was the girl who'd fit in with people as easily as everyone else. So being with these guys made me feel like I did belong. For once in my life, I had friends that actually cared about me. And that felt good.

   "Cheerio." Richie said, tipping his fingers.

"Goodmorning" I smiled.

   "So, you guys seriously think that they're in there?" Beverly asked.

   "I hope so." I replied, looking the large house up and down.

   We dropped our bikes and walked in. When inside, I was taken back by the  rotting smell. The feeling of being in a place with such history made me feel nauseous, too.

   We followed Bill down a set of uneven, old wooden stairs. We tread behind one another into a basement, where a large well sat near the centre.

   "That's it." Beverly said, practically gasping at the sight of the old well.

   "Ben, Mike, Stan?" Richie shouted.

"How do we get down?" I asked them.

    "There's a rope behind Eddie" Thomas pointed out.

   "Wow, it's still there." Beverly said in shock, picking it up.

    As we prepared to tie the rope above the well, we heard a large thud upstairs. Everyone quickly fell silent. We glared at one another in suspense, exchanging nods and uncertain shrugs.

    "W-What was that?" Bill whispered.

"I don't know." Thomas said, "maybe just the house settling?"

   Another thud echoed throughout the house. Eddie shuddered and let go of the rope as we all watched it fall down the well.

   "Crap" Eddie whispered. Everyone else was too distracted to care at this point.

    Almost immediately, another loud thud was heard. And then another, and then another. It sounded like multiple footsteps racing down the corridor.

    "What do we do?" Beverly asked.

    No one had time to respond as half of the group had already disappeared upstairs. The rest followed hesitantly as we listened to the thuds getting louder and louder.

    "I'm not going up there." Thomas crossed his arms.

Richie nodded frantically, "Me too."

    "Hello?" Bill broke the silence.

"Oh my god, Bill, Shut up." Eddie exclaimed. Bill didn't care though as he began to walk up the old flight of stairs.

    "Bill what are you doing?" Beverly asked.

Bill turned around, "We came here to look for Ben, Mike and Stanley. If something is up there, I'll scream. If I don't, come see me." Bill said, without stuttering once.

   "It's not that easy." Beverly said sternly. Bill let out a sigh, looking back up at the stairs then back down at the group.

   "Hello?" A whisper was heard from upstairs. We all jumped back and scurried around one another like mice as Bill continued to stand on the stairs.

   "What was that?" Richie whispered.

"Is anyone there?" Beverly echoed. We all awaited for an answer, but we only heard more thudding. This time it was faster than before. It sounded like someone was running.

   "I'm out." Richie said, running out the house with Thomas by his side. Eddie seemed to be already gone.

    It was like a game. When we would do some type of loud sound, "they" would follow.

   "Guys?" A voice shouted from upstairs. It was almost as if something in everyone's minds clicked. We all knew who it was.

   Quickly, we raced up stairs.

When reaching the top of the stairs, we were all in disbelief when our eyes locked on Mike and Stanley weakly holding up Ben's body. His eyes were shut and his arm was bleeding at a rapid pace.

   "Oh my god." I mumbled.

"W-What happened?" Bill said, focusing on Ben's arm.

   "Long story." Mike sighed, out of breath. His eyes looked tired and worried, the tips of his mouth quivering with fear.

   "Amy." Stanley stuttered before pulling me into a long hug.

  "Are you okay?" I asked him, releasing myself from the hug to look him up and down. His hair was wet and his collared shirt was died a dark red. I didn't want to ask anymore questions, terrified of what the answers may be.

   "I could be better." He said, sending me a weak smile.

   "Guys," Beverly said,"Ben woke up."

   He laid on the uneven ground, his eyes slowly opening. His once grey coloured face was now turning into more of a light peach tint. We were all relieved at the sudden change.

   "Ben?" I said, his big eyes finally snapping open. He fell frontwards almost instantly, coughing and trying to catch his breath.

   "Where am I?" He asked, his hands patting around on the floor. He seemed to have calmed down after seeing our faces, but he was nonetheless still confused.

   "We did it" Mike said, nudging his shoulder. Ben smiled.

   "L-Let's go see the rest of the g-group." Bill suggested. We all helped Ben to get back onto his feet, and we walked down and out of the front door.

    I was surprised Ben wasn't screaming in pain from his incredibly deep and infected wound. I didn't think too much of it though, he was probably still in shock. Right?

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