Chapter 13 | What Happened to your Bike?

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C H A P T E R 13
1243 WORDS

C H A P T E R 13E D I T E D 1243 WORDS

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It was a nice and peaceful morning. The sun wasn't too bright but it wasn't too hidden. The blue sky wasn't too deep nor to childish. Everything seemed to be neutral.

Stanley and I sat together on my porch. We both were quiet. We just listened and observed for awhile. That was fine. We were fine.

"Thank you." Stanley said suddenly.

"For what?" I said.

"For being there for me last night." He shrugged.

"Oh, yeah." I smiled, "You don't need to thank me." I said.

"You deserve a big thank you. None of my other friends would've done that for me." He said.

I acted confused, "None of your friends would kiss you? Doubt that." I joked. His eyes went wide before we both bursted into laughter.

"I mean, maybe Richie would probably kiss me, but he'd kiss anyone, so.." Stanley joked.

"But... you don't think that any of your friends would help you if you were crying?"

     Stanley hesitated, "They always make fun of me for being overly emotional. They let Bill cry once and awhile because they say it's because of his brother, which I understand. But once, I found out my grandma was dying... and I started to cry, obviously. Richie and them made fun of me though. Never got told that it would get better, just had to accept things for what they were. It's just- I don't know.l

"Richie makes fun of everyone." I said softly.

   "But Bill doesn't, and most certainly doesn't Eddie, so when they do it just sucks. I just feel like they follow whatever Richie does and it's aggravating." He sighed, "and I love Richie, of course, it's just... he hasn't matured yet. He just isn't the nicest."

"Well, I don't care what they think... because I believe showing emotion means you're stronger." I said.

Last night after Stanley had finished ranting, we came up with a plan. We knew something was wrong with Ben, it was obvious. Clearer than when Eddie washed my glasses, it was that clear.

So, we decided that going to that horrific house on Neibolt street was the only thing we could do. It was stupid, and we knew that, but we also knew that it was the only place where we could find answers.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Soon, I guess. It'll be long considering I don't have my bike." He said.

"I have a spare one in the shed behind the house, it might be small but it'll do." I smiled at him.
Three solid knocks on the door. Stanley and I waited silently in front of Bill's house, awaiting an answer.

   "You think he's home?" I asked Stanley.

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