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omg hi everyone

i haven't been on wattpad in such a long time. i really miss it !! it was one of my only creative outputs when i was in middle school, and i have been checking in now and then.

reading all of comments and seeing how many people still are reading this story is mind blowing. you guys are so sweet and genuinely have made my days. i wanted to say thank you so, so much for making time out of your life to read my story , it means the world to me and 12 year old me would've been freaking out.

i plan on hopefully writing more stories in the future. i have a lot cookin' up in my brain, but since i am now in college (omg) i have a lot on my plate. it's nuts to think i started this in the seventh grade ... and i'm updating it as a senior in college ... life is weird.

anyways, thank you so, so much !! 🤍


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