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    AFTER TELLING RICHIE TO LEAVE because of his excessive stupid behaviour, Eddie and I prepared to get everything we needed to help the guy outside.

    I was stressed, really stressed. I wasn't sure why, but a wave of anxiety had just tlew over me, and I didn't know how to handle it all.

   I was a naturally nervous and anxious person.  Everyone calls me a wimp, but I think I'm cautious and safe. However, recently I had been feeling more uptight and afraid– and I was pretty sure I knew why.

   It wasn't the fact that there's was a high possibility the clown we had just 'killed' was back, and it wasn't the fact that we would all be going back into that disgusting house again, but more the fact that the type of worry I was feeling wasn't about something, but more about someone.

    I sighed, pushing open the door for the pharmacy. Our feet slapped against the cold concrete, the rocks sliding under the soles of our shoes.

   "Eddie" I said, quiet.

He looked up at me, "Yeah?"

   "If I told you a secret, you'd keep it, right?"

   "Of course. I don't share secrets."

   "Okay, promise?"


   "Ok, well–"

   I stuttered. The words were there, I just couldn't push them out.

   "Stanley?" Eddie nudged, snapping me out of my thoughts.


    My leg swang back and forth nervously, "I kinda like someone."

    My eyes grew wide, my heart dropped and my stomach just felt like it was going to explode. I wasn't the one to share my feelings with any of my friends, so when I finally did I didn't think that it would feel good. I knew I sounded like a little kid, but whatever.

    Eddie's eyes grew too. Almost ten times wider than mine. He squealed and squeezed my arm, practically pulling me to the ground.

   "Shh!" I said, chuckling.

"Who is it!" Eddie asked.

   I shrugged, "I'll tell you later. I think it's more important to get the bandages for the guy outside." I joked, lifting up the bag full of medical supplies.

   I wasn't going to tell him later. I didn't plan on mentioning it again. I feared that because the person I fancied was fairly pretty, someone else in my friend group may have a thing for her as well.

   An example of what I didn't want to happen would be the whole Bill and Beverly situation. Once Beverly came into the group, it was quite obvious that Bill liked her, but so did Ben. I mean, Ben kissed Beverly when she was technically dead. Gross.

    And, in the end, Bill never found out about Ben's crush on Beverly. I worry that say he did, maybe they wouldn't have stayed friends, or it would've been extremely awkward.

   Eddie and I eventually walked to the back of the store. Everyone looked up at us with clear smiles on their face, and we quickly handed everyone some supplies to help aid the stranger.

    "So, what's your name?" I asked the guy as he smiled,

    "I'm Thomas. And you?" He replied.

    "Stan, short for Stanley." I replied.

"And I'm Eddie." Eddie said, jumping into the conversation.

   "Are you new around here?" I asked Thomas.

    "Kinda. I've been here for a few months, but I've really laid low. It's a long process to settle into such a close-community town like Derry." He shrugged.

    As much as this conversation seemed normal, it wasn't. And everyone else knew it wasn't, but they ignored it.

   Ben and Mike were gone, missing. And we weren't doing anything about it.

   Although they weren't classified as missing yet, it had almost been 48 hours and there hadn't been one sign of them around town.

    "Thank you guys, a lot." Thomas smiled, checking out the bandages around his arms.

   "A-A-Anytime" Bill smiled.

   I leaned my back onto the cold wall of the building. My breathing felt heavy yet calm. The sky was mixing into a milky bath of hot blue. My eyes met the sun as it was slowly going down, it's red and yellow pigment shinning around as it's colour spread like confetti. I smiled to myself, life seemed to be okay. But it didn't feel the same without Ben and Mike.

   Muffled conversation was heard right next to me, but for some reason I couldn't hear it properly. I couldn't concentrate. My main focus was now lowered onto the bundle of trees in front of me. There was a calm forest behind the shop. The dark and weaved leaves hung from branches and roots spread across onto the sidewalk. It was quite magical.

    There was a slight rustling in the leaves, but when out flew two beautiful sea coloured birds my heart sang.

    But suddenly my breathing paused and my heart began beating faster and faster. My eyes navigated the forest quicker until I just froze.

   Two trees stood next to each other perfectly. Every other flaw in the forest was out of my vision, the only thing I saw was those two trees.

   My eyes felt heavy. I was tired. I couldn't hear or feel my heartbeat anymore, I couldn't even move. I just wanted to sleep.

    Two, cold, sharp hands rapped around my waste, pulling me backwards quickly as my eyes shut closed.

     My death was beautiful, so I wasn't mad.

lost and found | it chapter one | 2017Where stories live. Discover now