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     The cool autumn breeze flew through my window and brushed against my body. It was nice until a putrid smell of the cows across the street hit me. "Yep. That's Texas for ya." I muttered to myself, closing the window. I sat back down and pet my abnormally large Alaskan Malmute and combed my finger through the fur on his neck. "I Dunno Akeila... None of the places I applied at accepted." He seemed to huff at my response, clearly having his own problems such as not having any balls and having a cone around his head. I felt a bit bad that he still had to wear it after several days. I took the cone off of his neck and he seemed to brighten up majorly. I smiled at him and continued on my search for some easy money. I came across a website and read 'airbnb? Whats that about?' I scrolled through and found out that it was a site that people would come to, to find places cheaper than a hotel. Might as well give it a try. I put Akeila's leash on only for a moment to walk around outside and take pictures of my house, then go back in and take pictures of the two empty guest bedrooms. I took his leash and collar off again and he instantly trotted to the living room and plopped himself on the floor where he was before. I sat down again and uploaded the pictures, then thought for a while. Akeila stood and put his large head on my lap, sensing something was wrong. I looked at him and smiled, asking the question I was asking myself only seconds ago. "Is this even safe?... You'll protect me, right boy?" He barked loudly at my question and waggled his tail. I kissed his nose and got up, putting some clothes on. "Bubs, try not to tear up the house while I'm gone. Your toys are in the laundry room and the doggy door to the backyard is open if you need to go out." He seemed to understand everything I was saying I was about to close the door, when I opened it again and looked at him. "And no howling!" I closed the door and locked it, then went to my brand new 2017 Audi R8 V10. He was a beauty. I touched the shiny black handle of the car and hopped in, starting it up. The purr of the engine just made me wanna speed off but I knew I couldn't. I backed out of my driveway and drove off, going down the road. Austin was beautiful at noon: The way the sunlight sparkled over the mountains, the way the trees cast shadows on the black pavement. All of it. My phone rang, snapping me out of my gaze, and causing me to groan with annoyance. I looked at the caller ID and it was my boyfriend, River.


"Heya darlin. Find a job yet?"

"Not yet, River. I signed up for a website called 'airbnb'."

"Ive heard of it. You're basically like a hotel for other people right?"


"Well me an-" I heard a girl giggle from the background and say something like 'you like that?' while he struggled not to moan. "And uh.. shit... me and Luke are gonna finish watching a movie, then I'll go see you."

"Alright." I knew he was cheating on me but I still loved him. Pathetic I know. But he's kind of a boy toy, really didn't need him. He did have a lot of money though.

He hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket as I pulled up to the store. I grabbed my wallet from the glove box and stuffed it in my back pocket, then got out of the car. I locked it and made my way in. I grabbed a trolley and walked through the doors, immediately going to the alcohol aisle, grabbing a few vodkas, wines, and a normal case of beer, then going to the fruits and vegetables. I looked at the list on my phone. 'Bell pepper, Jalapeno, onion, avocado, zucchini, squash, potatoes, coconuts, lime, lemon, carrots, lettuce, and broccoli.' I gathered it all in separate bags and pushed my trolley to the register, paying for everything. My total came out to about $79.50 mostly because of the drinks. I went out and walked back to the car, loading everything in it, then putting the trolley back into it's little section. I got into the car and started it up, soon after, hearing a buzz from my phone. I picked it up, looking at the unknown number, and answering it.


"Hey... I'm calling about the place in Austin, Tx." A smooth voice came from the other line.

"Yeah. I have a couple of other people asking right now but you're the first one to actually call."

"Oh. Well I'm new to this whole app so I didn't know if I text you or call you." He giggled.

"It's okay. I actually am too. I'm probably going to look through the list and see who looks less creepy."

"Sounds like a plan. You didn't put a price on the house though. How much for each night?"

"Probably about $50-$65. Not too much."

"Alright well, you have my number now so hear from you soon?"

"Maybe. Can I get your name?"

"Joji Miller."

"Awesome. Thanks."

He sounded sweet. By the time I knew it, I was pulling up to my house. I pulled into the driveway and got out, then went in with all of the bags. Akeila started jumping and wagging his tail. "Geez boy, a year and a half and I'm still scared you're gonna knock me down." I giggled. After everything was put up, I went onto the website and looked at a list of at least 37 people all, of course, going to SXSW. Everyone looked like they did drugs or just straight up creepy, even the females. Only two people looked good and those people were Joji and someone named Jason. Jason offered to pay more, so I text him.

"Hey Jason, you got the room! Congrats. :)"

"Oh, hey. I actually got a place with my friend. Sorry. :("

"That's okay. Have fun."

I rolled my eyes and text Joji.

"Aye Joji, you got the place." Within two seconds he replied.

"Aw sick, Will you be staying there too? Or just me?"

"I'll be here, though I will be across the house. So you have all privacy and stuff."

"Cool. One more thing."


"Do you allow smoking?"

"Depends what kind I guess."

"Cigarettes and weed tbh. :/"

"Yeah, that's cool with me."

"Dope. I'll see you in a few days then?"

"Hopefully, May I ask where you're coming from?"

"Brooklyn, NY."

"Man, it's beautiful there in the winter."

"Yeah it is."

"Anyways. I have to go. I have work in the morning."

"Alright. Goodnight."


I walked to the closet, getting in a loose t-shirt and some boxers that were just comfy to wear as shorts. I laid in bed and Akeila jumped up with me, laying beside me like a huge teddy bear. I flipped over and wrapped my arms around him, then fell into a deep sleep.
Welcome to the new story ;)

If you don't know, I already have a completed story up and ready to read. This is just another one that I wanted to do.

Airbnb {Joji x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now