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*5 days later*

I groaned as I got up and walked around my bed. Akeila got up and ran to go get his leash, then bring it back. I tied it to him and slipped on some baggy sweats, then opened the door. A car was parked on the road and someone was walking towards me with some suitcases. 'Guess that's Joji.' Akeila took off towards him, pulling me with. "Akeila no! Heel!" I looked up and saw him right in front of me for a split second before running into him and ending up on top. His suitcase went flying. Akeila saw what he did and looked satisfied for embarrassing me. I looked down and saw him with his sunglasses knocked back on his head. I moved my hair from my face and he stared at me, starting to giggle.

"Hell of a way to meet you."

"I am so sorry. Honestly. He just gets excited when he sees new people."

"No, no. It's fine. My dog used to do the same thing. Except she was a chihuahua." He stated as I crawled off of him and got on my feet, grabbing the leash.

"I hope I didn't injure you or anything." He picked up the bags again.

"Nah. What'd you say his name was, Akeila right?"

"Yeah. Hope you don't mind dogs. I don't think I put it in the description."

"Like the leader of the pack from Jungle Book? And no, I don't mind."

"Yeah." I led him inside and Akeila ran passed us. "So what're you here for?"

"Uh. Visiting some friends but they don't have anymore room in their house. I'm kinda hungry, is there any good places to eat around here?"

"Nice. There's one a couple of miles away." He seemed nervous and changed the subject quickly.

"Man. I came here in an Uber."

"My keys are on the counter. You can take my car."

"Your Audi? Hell no. I'm not driving that thing."

"So, you want me to drive you?"

"Please. I'm sorry. I'm just not the greatest driver."

"It's alright. Let me just get dressed." I smiled and walked into my room, putting on a hoodie and some adidas track pants. I walked out and saw him sitting on the floor and cuddling with Akeila. I smiled and grabbed my keys. "You comin' or not?"


We got our food and sat at a table for two next to window.

"So tell me about yourself."

"Well. My name is y/n. I have an alaskan malmute that's bigger than the rest. At least the full size of a great dane. I work at a bar on 6th street. Uh... I have a boring life and I drink to forget. Your turn."

"My name is Joji Miller. I don't have a job. I don't have a dog. And my life is boring as well."

"Interesting. Do you do anything for a living?"

"Uh... I travel." He smiled, clearly lying.

"I haven't traveled in forever. Last place I went-that was far was California."

"Well. I'm sure it was fun, yeah?"

"It was, it was. Except we had to leave early because my friend back home had a horrible break up. I mean, I went. My two other friends stayed behind."

"How long was this 'girl' your friend?"

"About 16 or 17 years now, if I'm being honest."

"So you're loyal?"


"Good to know. How's uhhh your love life?"

"I have a boyfriend, River, but he's been cheating for a while. On the phone the other day some girl was suckin his dick." I shrugged my brows and wiped my mouth. "It's not that big of a deal. I mean he has a lot of money and spoils me but I can take care of myself. You?"

"Damn that's rough. I'm single. But I wanna hear more about this River dude. You gonna end it with him?"

"I don't know. As pathetic as it sounds, I still love him. And I'm stupid for that."

"No. You aren't stupid. I had a girl too and she cheated on me, broke my heart, called me names. I loved her. But I came to my senses and dumped her. Then she begged to have me back."

"Dick too good." I giggled as I crumpled my napkin, finishing my meal.

"For such a little girl, you have a potty mouth." He giggled as well.

"Meh. I'm usually worse. Anyways, we should get going. It's time for Akeilas run in a while."

"You mind if I take him? I like to run every other day and I've been slacking for a while already."

"Nah. While you take him, I'll clean up the guest bedroom, make sure you have TP. All of that stuff."


We walked into the house a giggly mess and talking about random things that we thought were funny but I stopped when I saw River sitting on the couch. We all stayed silent until Joji called out for Akeila, then went outside with him for a run.
     River stood, making his way towards me after about a minute.

"Cheating bitch!" He grabbed a glass, throwing it at the floor, and causing it to shatter. One of the large shards flew at me and cut open my foot. I knelt down, holding my foot and crying. He started punching wherever his hands would land and yelling things at me. I laid down and he started kicking my stomach, knocking my breath out.

Jojis pov

     Akeila kept barking at the house as we walked away so I turned back and thought he needed something. I opened the door and he lunged at River, biting into his ankle and growling. I saw y/n on the floor covered in blood. I heard a loud yelp and looked at the dog that was now on the floor, trying to regain his balance. I ran to River and punched him in the jaw, instantly knocking him out. I ran to the restroom and rummaged through things, finding some gauze and some wrap. I ran back to her and picked up her leg as she cried. She uncovered the cut and it was so deep that blood spurt out, getting all over my face. I was in shock but I wrapped it around her foot, then picked her up and grabbed Rivers truck keys, running out with Akeila following. I put her in the car and the truck and the dog hopped in at her side. I started it up, then called the cops. As we were driving to the ER I heard sirens as the cops passed, going to her house.
     A couple of hours passed and I looked down at my hands and shirt that were covered in blood. I walked up to the desk and looked at the woman. Akeila followed.

"Ma'am. I'm here with y/n. This is her blood from her foot. Can I please use the restroom to clean up, and do you have extra clothes. Scrubs. Anything."

"Yes sir. Come right over here." She stood and walked me over to a closet, then got some black scrubs for me and pointed to the restroom.

I walked in and locked it behind me, then set the clothes down on a small shelf. I took my shirt off and washed my face and hands, then dried off with a paper towel. I slipped the clothes on and looked at myself in the mirror again. 'There's still blood in my hair.' I took the clothes off once more and grabbed a handful of water, washing it through my hair. I dried it off a bit and flipped it back, then put on the clothes and walked out. The lady at the counter gave me a bag for the clothes and told me I could go visit y/n in room 246.
     I walked towards the room and walked in, seeing her body covered in bruises and stitches. I wanted to break down seeing her like that but I also wanted to be strong and kick Rivers ass. Akeila leaped up on the bed, careful not to hurt her and laid down. I sit on a small chair next to her and put my head down, starting to dose off.

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