Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Harry!" I laughed. "Stop, that's not going to work!"

"Yes it is, just you watch." Harry winked at me.

"Louis' gonna kill you." I warned, laugh still pouring out my my mouth.

"No, he loves me too much." Harry responded, twirling the Sharpie around in his fingers. I rolled my eyes but watched on in amusement as he uncapped it and neared Louis' sleeping figure.

"What the hell is he doing?" Niall inquired, stepping into the room and wrapping an arm around my waist. I turned to him and put my finger to my lips, motioning him to be quiet. I nodded towards Harry who was drawing intricate designs all over Louis face. 


"How is he sleeping through this?" Niall quirked an eyebrow.


"He's always been a heavy sleeper." I giggled.


"There, finishing touch." Harry smirked while designing a mustache over Louis pink lips. Harry immediately jumped back when Louis started to wake up. His eyes fluttered open and he stretched out. His sleepy blue eyes turned to us as we laughed. Harry snapped a picture on his iPhone.


"Don't want to know." Louis grumbled sleepily, walking out of the room. Niall, Harry and I all laughed before following him out of the room.



I woke up groggily, pressing a hand to my head. That was a strangely realistic dream. I tried to memorize every detail. looked at the clock and realized I had been sleeping for the past seven hours. The boys would definitely be back by now. I maneuvered around to situate myself in the wheelchair. I was so ready for my leg to be healed already, this wheelchair was causing way too much difficulty. I grabbed the iPhone that was apparently mine and sent Louis a quick text to tell him I was heading to his room. I then wheeled myself as best I could through to the room across mine and knocked. The door opened revealing a messy haired Lou.

"We're heading out for dinner. You ready?" He asked, not even letting me inside the room before him and the boys trailed outside. Niall had declared himself as my pusher, so he positioned behind me and started pushing me down the hall. We both reached the elevator laughing and breathless.

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