Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Niall handed me the flowers and I grinned happily at him.

"You can go put those inside, if you want." He offered. I put them in the crook of my arm as I used my crutches to get back into the room. He helped me along and I put them in a vase right next to the flowers he gave to me last night.

"We have a driver waiting downstairs," Niall informed me. I nodded and together we made our way to the elevator. I felt butterflies gather in my stomach and I felt much more nervous than I had the previous night. For some reason, this felt more like it was my first date. Last night, Niall had tried to make it seem more like a friend date. But knowing this was going to be similar to my actual first date with Niall, I could feel the nervousness building. Niall placed his hand on my lower back as we walked to the waiting car.

"Where are we going?" I inquired as he helped me into the van.

"Well, in London, our first date was at this little one of a kind restaurant. So I found something similar, called Namis." He told me.

"This really means a lot to me, Niall, thank you." I was truly touched. This boy obviously really cared for me if he went to all of these extremes. "I don't know how I got so lucky and I know I'm kind of messed up right now, but it means a lot."

"You are not messed up. At all." Niall contradicted, "We're just at a very interesting point."

"I just wish I didn't have to ask you everything, I know it's getting annoying. And I hate having to ask." I sighed, turning to look out the window. I felt a hand sneak into mine and I turned back to Niall.

"We're all in this together."

"Alright then, Zac Efron." I teased, laugh spilling out of my lips. Niall smirked before starting to belt out the words. I laughed before joining him in the horrible off-key version of the song. 

"We're here." The driver announced a few minutes later. I glanced out the window and saw an adorable little Italian restaurant. Niall climbed out of the car and grabbed my crutches before reaching up to help me out. Thank god I was out of the damned wheelchair. 

"Ready, my love?" Niall asked, holding out a hand. I gladly took it and readjusted myself on the crutches so I could continue to hold his hand. Together, we made our way to the small quaint restaurant. Niall let go of my hand to open the door for me. I smiled gratefully at him as I hopped my way in. 

"Hi! Reservations for Horan, correct?" The hostess asked the second we were both in the little area. Niall nodded and the hostess smiled and led us to a small booth in the corner. "You should have plenty of privacy. If you need anything, just let me know, alright?" 

"Thank you." Niall and I chorused. I placed my crutches in the corner and let out a deep breath the second I was seated. We both started looking through our menus, and a few items caught my eye. 

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