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In Life there are things we dream about, things we wish that could happen and things we definitely want to happen. But there are also a lot of unexpected things happening.
But these moments are destined to happen and no one can influence them or change the fact they happened.
This is something the brothers Kim Jaejoong and Kim Junsu experienced quite often even if many of those moments rather hurt them than to made them happy, especially during their highschool days.

„Hyung we have to get ready now. Why are you still sleeping?" the younger boy asked his roommate carefully, not wanting to anger the older boy.
„Then get ready" he mumbled and buried his face into his pillow again, cursing his parents for sending him to boarding school.
„I'm already ready hyung" he mumbled and sat down onto his own bed.
„How late is it?"
„7:55 AM hyung" the other answered but Jaejoong just cuddled closer into his sheets until realization finally hit him.
He shot up and ran into the bathroom, trying to get ready in the last 5 minutes.
„Why haven't you woken me up earlier?" he asked his roommate rather harsh, making the younger jump in fear.
„I-I-I tr-r-ied b-but you d-didn't wa-ant to ge-et up".
The blonde just shook his head, he knew that his roommate was useless so he didn't bother to talk much with him.
That was one of the reasons why many people were afraid of him. His cold personality just overwhelmed most of them, only his friends knew how wrong all the people were.
They don't see how kind and nice Jaejoong really is, he just didn't want to be mocked so he rather kept his cold imagine.
A lot of students got teased for their appearance, their religion or their sexuality. Sometimes students got mocked because someone thought it would be fun.
Jaejoong has seen it all from his younger brother and he didn't want to end up like him, he needed to protect him.
Thus he always helped him, even the bullies were afraid of teasing Jaejoong so they didn't even try.
It was a good thing, he often told himself this, knowing that you won't be hurt and that you can help your friends and family whenever they need you.
Speaking of his friends, they normally would fetch him in the morning, making sure he would get up in time and go to his classes but strangely they didn't show up today.
Maybe they also slept in he told himself and continued to style his hair.
„Hyung we have to go now or else we'll be late" his roommate mumbled, hoping the other wouldn't get mad.
„Then go. I'm not ready and I won't go out there in my pyjama."
„I'm sorry hyung" he said and quickly left their room.
He did feel bad at times like this when he scared the poor boy just because he didn't want to open up to anyone but he didn't want to make the same mistake his own brother did.
His ringing phone ripped him out of his thoughts so he quickly answered it.
„Jaejoong hyung where are you? I need your help quickly".
„Yah calm down Shim Changmin. What even happened?"
„Please just come here. We're in the schoolyard, in front of his locker" his friend, Changmin panicked.
„Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes" he said and hung up the phone, knowing exactly what has happened.
In a few minutes he changed into an oversized sweater and skinny jeans before grabbing his bag and leaving his room.
He already hated the student who did this to his poor brother and he made sure to get revenge.
„Changmin -ah go to class or else you'll also be punished" Jaejoong shouted from afar when he saw them.
„I don't care. I'll stay" he replied, glad the older finally was there.
„Who was it?" he coldly asked, quickening his steps.
„It was Jung Yunho and his friend Park Yoochun" he mumbled, afraid that they were still around and could hurt him too.
„Alright I'll face him later" Jaejoong said and knelt down beside his brother.
„Su what happened?" he asked his little brother, examining the bruises and his bleeding lip.
„It all happened so fast. I don't even know what I did wrong" Junsu mumbled, looking up at them.
Jaejoong just looked at Changmin with a questioning look.
„He just came up to us and grabbed him by the collar. Before I could react he already punched him several times and left".
„Come I'll bring you back to the dorm" Jajeoong said and helped up his brother.
„Hyung I don't want to go back. I have to go to my classes".
„Not in that condition. You're staying home for today and I'll look after you."
„You can't. You have classes to go, same as me".
„You won't go" Jaejoong said once again, trying to drag his brother with him.
„I won't go with you hyung" Junsu said and stopped in his tracks.
„Yah since when are you so stubborn?" Jaejoong asked, frustrated that he wasn't listening.
„Hyung just let him go" Changmin mumbled and looked at the older.
„Alright then go but don't complain if you're not feeling well".
„I won't" he said and left quickly for his classes.
„Hyung just let him be."
„Changmin-ah do you know since when he's like that? You're his best friend, he tells you everything".
„Hyung I can't tell you. I promised him not to tell anyone, especially you."
„Yah you're the only one who can help me in this".
„I'm sorry. I can only tell you that there's someone special in his classes".
„My baby brother is in love?" Jaejoong asked with a smile, glad his brother found a good girl.
„I haven't told you anything hyung" Changmin said and left for his lessons leaving Jaejoong alone in the school yard.
He continued to walk to his own classes, smiling at the thought that his little brother finally found himself a girl.
Their parents always disapproved of Jaejoong's preferences and always hoped that their younger child will find a good wife.
He was really happy that at least one of them had luck with their relationships but he still wanted to know why Yunho and Yoochun always bullied him.
He shook that thought off for now and entered his classroom, hoping the day will be over soon.

And another DBSK fiction since they are my UB group. Don't be fooled, this story will be YooSu even if in the first chapter Jaejoong seems like the main person, that's not true but see for yourself ^~^

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