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The morning sun illuminated the whole room, waking up the older boy.
He looked down at the younger boy in his arms, smiling softly at how angelic he looked.
He was mad at Yunho for hurting him and saying those hurtful words, he couldn't understand him at all.
He looked down and took in his soft features, he was beautiful.
Yoochun softly played with his hair, smiling as the youngers eyes slowly opened.
„Good morning beautiful" Yoochun said and earned a smile from his boyfriend.
„Morning" Junsu replied and rested his chin on Yoochun's chest, looking up into his eyes.
„What is it that you want?" the older asked, knowing that Junsu only used his puppy yes when he wanted something.
„I want to go out today."
„Tell me where and we will go".
„I don't know. I just want to get out of here" he replied and pouted, making Yoochun's heart race even more.
„What about we'll head out for lunch and then we go to the mall afterwards?" the older suggested and just received a nod as an answer.
„How late is it?" Junsu asked, looking out of the window.
„It's 8 AM".
„Then let's sleep more before we go out".
„You're so lazy sometimes" Yoochun laughed, stroking Junsu's hair.
„Are you also picking on me now?" he sadly asked, keeping his look out of the window.
„Of course not. I never wanted to make you feel like that. I love you and you know that I'm even lazier. Don't be mad."
The younger sighed and rolled away from Yoochun, facing him with his back.
„I don't mean to be so sensitive but after all this time I think Yunho was right."
These words hit the older hard, he couldn't believe that his cute, adorable, happy boyfriend believed all of this nasty words Yunho ever said to him. It made him sick to see how much of his confidence was already gone and he hated that he believed that he wasn't worth it.
„Stop saying things like that. Nothing Yunho ever said is true. The first moment I saw you I was mesmerized, you looked so beautiful and adorable whenever you smiled. I needed to get to know you, I needed you in my life Junsu. I was so happy when you first spoke to me and when you accepted to go out with me. You always smiled and I always felt the butterflies whenever I could see that smile. It made me happy seeing you happy and I was proud whenever I made you happy. You don't know how much it hurts me to see what Yunho does to you, everything he said to you. You have to know that this isn't true, you're the most wonderful person I have ever met, you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen and you're the only one I want to be with. You're not fat mor ugly or whatever Yunho said, you're beautiful, your body is perfect and I couldn't think of someone more perfect than you are. I'm not just saying this to make you feel better, I mean it. So don't be sad or mad at me please. I love you so much I can't even express it in words."
„You really mean it?" the younger asked while wiping away the tears that we're already forming in his eyes.
„Of course I mean it so please look at me"Yoochun pleaded and saw those deep brown eyes looking directly into his.
„Yunho knows nothing about you. You're perfect".
The younger didn't reply and only looked back out of the window.
It hurt Yoochun to see that and all he wanted was to bring back Junsu's smile and his happiness, their day out will have to be way more special than it was supposed to be.
„Junsu-yah I have to go to the bathroom real quick" he said and softly pushed the younger boy off him, taking the youngers phone with him.
As soon as he closed the door he dialed Jaejoongs number and hoped he would pick up the phone.
„Junsu-yah what's wrong?"
„Hyung it's me. I need your help."
„What is it and why are you calling from Junsu's phone".
„I don't have your number and I want to take him out today but we'll come home late and we can't be caught."
„Okay I'll do my best" the older answered and hung up.
Even if he sounded annoyed Yoochun knew that Jaejoong was happy for his brother, this was just the way Jaejoong was or rather what everyone thought he was.
When he came back he saw that Junsu fell asleep again, no wonder the younger couldn't sleep until morning. He didn't want to tell Yoochun but there was clearly something on his mind, something he didn't want to tell Yoochun.
With a sigh he sat back down on the bed and stroked Junsu's hair, getting lost in his own thoughts until he heard a soft whimper.
He snapped out of his thoughts and saw his boyfriend crying in his sleep.
„Wake up. It's just a bad dream" the older said and closed his arms around the shivering boy.
„I'm sorry. You shouldn't experience all of this" Yoochun whispered and tightened his grip.
„It's not your fault" he simply said, his voice monotone.
„Please tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like that."
„I'm fine. You're right it was just a bad dream".
Yoochun just sat there silently and watched as his boyfriend went into the bathroom and sighed. He noticed that he behaved differently the last few days and he also noticed the lack of sleep and food. Of course Yoochun noticed it but whenever he spoke about it Junsu would always change the topic.
Yoochun wasn't stupid, he noticed that the younger wasn't really eating in all of these months they were dating. Even if he told
him that he doesn't need to lose weight the younger would never listen to him.
With a sigh he stood up and searched an outfit for himself and the younger, smiling at his choice.
After he was changed he cleaned the bed and plumped up the sheets before he pushed one of the beds back to where it was supposed to be.
„I'm heading out for breakfast. Do you want something?"
„No thank you" the younger answered and Yoochun left, knowing it was useless.
He left the dorms and walked to the canteen, meeting all of the students from his class.
„Yoochun-ah why are you coming so late?" one of the girls asked, smiling at him.
„Sorry. I had something to take care of".
„Your girlfriend?" one of the guys asked and smirked at him.
„Kind of" Yoochun mumbled and took a bowl of rice and soup.
„Wait where's Junsu-ssi?" one of the girls asked with a pout.
„Yeah where is he? We said that the whole class should meet up for breakfast" another girl said and looked towards the entrance.
„Isn't he your roommate Yoochun?" another guy suddenly asked.
„Yeah. He's not feeling good so he stayed in the dorms" he lied and it hurt him.
„I hope he get's better soon. Please tell him that Yoochun oppa" one of the girls said while blushing.
He just nodded and continued his meal until his classmates started talking about an all to familiar person.
„Have you noticed that Yunho hyung is behaving different?"
„What do you mean?"
„He is totally lost in his thoughts and haven't gotten in trouble since yesterday."
„Since when?" a girl asked curiously.
„After break. I only know that he stayed in class. Weren't you with him Yoochun?"
„I was but I don't remember anything that might have changed him" he said and suddenly stopped when he remembered how the older escaped after Jaejoong told him to hit him.
Jaejoong, maybe this was Yunho's reason.
„I'm sorry I have to go" Yoochun said and left his classmates and rushed off to Yunho's dorm, knowing that the olders classes only start at 10 today.
„What do you want Yoochun?"
„Why haven't you told me that you like Jaejoong?"
The older stopped in his tracks and turned around to pin Yoochun against the wall.
„Who says that?"
„I figured it out myself. Is that why you keep on hurting Junsu? To gain his attention?"
„You know nothing. Why should I like this bitch?" Yunho growled.
„It's kind of obvious hyung but you won't have a chance with him if you continue harassing his brother."
„I've told you that I don't like him. It's fun to tease his brother at least he doesn't fight back and he's not as flawless as his brother so he's an easy target."
„Why are you like that? Why can't you stop it? You're breaking him Yunho. Do you know how hurtful your words are?"
„Like you care. I know that you have no way out Yoochun but it's still suspicious that you try to protect him. What is your relationship with him?"
„Yunho just let him be. He has done nothing wrong."
„What? Has he seduced you? Didn't know you would stoop so low" Yunho laughed and let go of Yoochun.
„No but our teachers seem to notice when he's always coming to class with bruises."
„Don't tell me what to do Yoochun or else you'll also have a few bruises soon" Yunho threatened and was about to close his door.
„Do it if you stop bullying Junsu then."
Without a warning he felt the stinging pain and held his cheek, looking at an angered Yunho.
„Why would you do this for him? Tell me why Yoochun" he yelled at his friend.
„Because he doesn't deserve it Yunho. Try to think about what you have done to him" Yoochun said and left him to go back to his own dorm.
He was disappointed and hurt that his childhood friend really hit him.
Even if he was a bully he still was Yoochun's closest friend and he knew the real Yunho.
When he entered his room he saw Junsu sleeping again and it started to worry him. It wasn't normal that he was always sleepy and when it was finally night he had problems sleeping.
He also noticed how loose his clothes were, they fitted perfectly just a few weeks ago.
„What are you doing to yourself?" Yoochun mumbled and looked sadly at the younger.
„Why can't you listen to me just once? I've told you that you're perfect. Why won't you believe me? I'm not lying to you and it hurts so much to see you suffering like that. Do you even know how painful it is to see you breaking even more?"
The younger looked so pale, scaring Yoochun but he seemed peaceful, at least he wasn't having a bad dream this time.
„Please don't starve yourself anymore" Yoochun mumbled and leaned down to leave a soft kiss on the youngers lips.
Yoochun was surpised when he felt the younger's hand on his cheek.
„I didn't want to wake you up Su" Yoochun said but he was pulled into another kiss.
„I prefer this" Junsu answered and looked into Yoochun's eyes.
„What happened to your face?"
„Yunho. I angered him."
„What did you do?"
„I told him to stop hurting you. I can't continue just watching. You're my boyfriend and you were right, you don't deserve to be treated like this and I should finally protect you even if Yunho is my friend. I won't just watch it anymore Su. I prefer him hurting me than you."
„Don't. He's your best friend. Just let him if it makes him happy."
„How can you just accept this? He's already broken you til this point and I won't accept this. I rather lose Yunho than to see you suffering".
„I'm fine Yoochun".
„You're not and don't think I haven't noticed. You haven't eaten for the last few weeks, you have sleep problems and whenever you can you fall asleep and on top of that there's
something you don't want to tell me and it's not good for you. If you don't want to tell me then please tell it Jaejoong."
„Hyung I told you not to worry so much about me. I'm fine please believe me".
„Fine but tell me when something's bothering you".
„I will. So how was breakfast?"
„Okay. A lot of girls missed you. They asked me the whole time where you are and if you're okay."
„So what did you tell them?"
„I've told them that you're not feeling well" Yoochun simply said and opened the window.
„I'm sorry that you had to lie for me".
„I could have just told them that you were showering but I know that they are all perverted" Yoochun said and brought a smile to the younger's face.
„Like you aren't" Junsu replied and earned a smirk from Yoochun.
„That may be true but you've refused a lot in the past" Yoochun said without thinking.
„I've had a lot on my mind lately".
„I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry Su but I know that you have lost weight, I'm not blind so you don't have to hide it from me."
„You've told me not to lose weight" the younger replied.
„And I still love you the same. I've noticed your eating disorder so don't hide it from me."
„I know that you're disappointed".
„That's only because I don't want to find you dead one day because you were starving yourself to death. Let me help you".
„Fine" he replied and pouted, knowing that Yoochun won.
„What do you want for lunch today hm?"
„You can decide. I'm not really hungry".
„We won't start this again. You'll eat today" Yoochun warned and wrapped his arms around the younger boy, shocked that he didn't notice how thin he really got.
„Good so let's get ready and we can head out" Yoochun happily said and pressed a kiss on the younger's cheek, making him smile.
„Before I forget it, our plans have changed a little bit" Yoochun said, making Junsu curious.

I seriously am so in love witj this Story. ^~^ Expect more updates.

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