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„Yah Kim Junsu what are you doing?" a voice suddenly exclaimed, startling the said boy who quickly broke the kiss he was immersed into.
Moving away from Yoochun he saw his best friend Changmin staring at him with wide eyes, looking like he just saw a ghost.
„Don't tell me you're serious right now" Changmin mumbled and Junsu knew exactly what this was about, after all he never told anyone about his relationship with Yoochun (besides Jaejoon).
„Changmin-ah please listen first. You will understand then."
„What is there to understand? Why are you kissing your bully?" Changmin exclaimed but was harshly dragged out of the library before he could even react to it. It was the first time his best friend ever did that and it startled him to see how serious and angry he looked at this moment. He dragged Changmin all the way to his and Yoochun's room before he angrily shut the door close and pushed his friend against the door, not even caring about the small gasp that escaped Changmin's lips as he turned around to look at his friend.
„So now you listen Shim Changmin. I don't care if you don't like him or not, it's
my damn decision and not yours and honestly I'm so done with people telling me what to do and not to. I'm old enough to decide what's best for me and after fighting with Jaejoong for so long until he finally realized what a great guy Yoochun is and I won't do this again with you. What happenend to my best friend saying you're happy for me or that you don't care who I date as long as I'm happy? Do you remember how often you told me about your flings and I always listened everytime without telling you what to do? Why is everyone thinking that I'm screwing up my whole life if I don't do the things other people say? Everyone thinks I'm incapable of living my own life except one person and do you know who he is? Right Yoochun is the only person who never questioned my decisions but supported me. Do you even know how I felt most of my life? How badly I wanted to end this misery and just disappear from this world since nobody would miss me, since my parents hate me and almost everyone else does too? I was done with this life and the people until Yoochun came along. Yes the past months were pretty rough and he didn't even know and now he's blaming himself for my eating disorder, he's worried about me and does everything in order to make me happy but then everyone else, including my brother, parents and you, is trying to destroy that happiness and tells me what to do. I don't care about the fact that you're my best friend if you can't accept me being with Yoochun then I'm sorry because I won't break up with him. So you either understand and accept it or you're free to leave now and don't come back again. I don't need toxic people in my life anymore and with your behavior right now you're one of them. It's your decision" Junsu almost yelled at his best friend but he felt so frustrated and he just couldn't relive the past weeks again. It scared Changmin how serious Junsu was and the fact that he never yelled at him before especially not because of a guy. It did make him wonder how much Yoochun really meant to him and if the things he was saying were true, that Yoochun did truly care about him.
„But he's been bullying you all this time I don't get it" Changmin mumbled and the older only let out a frustrated sigh.
„He never bullied me, Yunho did and he already apologized for his behavior. He wants to change Changmin, he's with Jaejoong" Junsu explained and now Changmin was even more shocked but couldn't ask when he heard a knock on the door he was still leaning onto. He stepped away and gasped when he saw Yoochun enter the room, immediately going to Junsu's side before he wrapped an arm around his waist.
„Have you calmed down baby? You looked scary with that expression, I thought you would kill poor Changmin" he questioned and fixed his boyfriend's bangs.
„Only a little bit" Junsu replied and looked back to Changmin.
„I get that you often protected me when we were younger but I'm not a little kid anymore. I can make my own decisions and I love Yoochun so incredibly much, he makes me the happiest person on earth so please don't try to ruin this. Even Jaejoong understood it and now he's willing to help Yunho, don't behave like my mother please Changmin-ah you know how she treats me."
„I'm sorry. I didn't want this, I just felt like I had to protect you from him. It's stupid, I'm sorry."
„Changmin-ah let's just go back to how we were before, alright?" Junsu chuckled and Changmin only nodded as the three of them left the room together, going back to eating breakfast.
They were just entering the canteen when Junsu froze in shock, quickly taking a picture before he approached his brother and Yunho. It took Changmin and Yoochun a bit to see how close they were and gasped when Yunho leaned in closer.
„Yah what is going on here?" Junsu questioned and startled the older boys who just looked at them shocked.
„It's n-not what you t-think" Jaejoong spluttered but his cheeks were already bright red and Yunho also avoided looking at them and just continued to eat.
„I can't believe it. It's the first time I see my brother in love with someone" Junsu whispered to Yoochun who was now sitting beside him but the older heard and blushed even more.
„Yah don't say such things" Jaejoong warned and glared at his brother who only smirked at him.

I kind of realized that I forgot about Changmin since Chapter 1 and I feel so bad about it. Also my Baby Su will get more and more confident and I'm up for it

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