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It was already past 10 when Jaejoong strolled around the school building even if he knew exactly that he wasn't supposed to do so but he just couldn't sleep. He needed to take a walk and somehow he ended up in the school building, wandering around the dark, empty hallways. He was close to his own classroom when he suddenly heard shouting, making him curious. He carefully made his way over to the classroom and stopped when he heard another voice speaking, leaning against the wall so nobody would notice him.
„I'm sorry for eavesdropping" he mumbled and took another few steps until he could hear the two voices clearly.
„You have promised me to be the best no matter what and now you're presenting me such grades? You're as useless as your mother" someone yelled and Jaejoong desperately wanted to know who it was.
„Don't talk about her like that" someone whispered and Jaejoong recognized Yunho's voice so he took a few more steps until he could see Yunho with his father standing in the classroom, Yunho's head hanging low as his father suddenly hit him. A gasp escaped Jaejoong's mouth and he quickly covered it, relieved that they didn't notice him.
„You have promised me but you always disappointed me. I wish she would have taken you with her."
„I'm sorry. I was learning but" he couldn't finish before he received another slap. Quickly his father took his chin and forced him to look at him.
„You better work harder from now on" he angrily replied and pushed his son away from him, making him stumble and crash into one of the desks.
„And don't you dare to even think of contacting her" he yelled before be left the classroom, quickly Jaejoong hid until the man was out of sight and he heard a sigh from the classroom.
Jaejoong was contemplating if he should just go back to the dorm or not but when he got closer and he saw Yunho leaning against the desk with his head hanging low he just couldn't walk away. Silently he entered the classroom and stopped halfway, hoping Yunho wouldn't be too mad and attack him right then and there.
„I wasn't eavesdropping, I was just passing by" he started and saw the younger quickly look up at him with a shocked expression.
„You probably won't believe me but I know what you're going through and I can understand why you act the way you do."
„You don't know me at all" he mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair as Jaejoong stepped closer a bit.
„I grew up with parents who were always craving for attention and didn't care about their kids. We were never good enough, they often hit us especially when they weren'd satisfied with out grades or relationships. Even now that we're not living at home anymore she controls our lives especially our partners, she even demanded us to show up with girlfriends during the holidays only so she can show off and brag about us even if she hates us. I don't know your story but neither do you know mine or Junsu's but even if you were treated badly at home it doesn't give you the right to be a bully and hurt others especially if you don't know what they already had to go through. Our parents despised Junsu and me, he was so glad when we finally moved out but his joy didn't last long since you always bullied him" Jaejoong spoke and was surprised when Yunho didn't get angry but only looked up with a sad look.
„I'm just like him" was Yunho's only reply, a look of regret visible on his face.
„You're behaving like him because he always treats you like that right?"
„He nearly killed me one day when he was drunk. He changed after my mother left, he hated to look at me knowing exactly that I wasn't really his son. He hated my mother after he found out that she was having an affair, that she didn't even know who was my father. He was always remembered of that fact when he looked into my face and he hated it. I don't even know if there was one day where he didn't hit me but I think not. I never wanted to become like him but I am exactly the same. I became the same monster he is."
„Listen Yunho I saw how he acted towards you and even if I don't know much about him or you I can see you're not the same. You may use violence to protect yourself but there are other ways too. It's still not too late to change Yunho" Jaejoong replied and his gaze met Yunho's, for the first time since he knew him he saw something else in his eyes.
He was just about to leave him and go back to the dorms when he felt someone grip his wrist and saw Yunho looking at him with teary eyes.
„Will you help me? I can't do it alone but I don't want to continue living like this. Can you do this for me?" he replied, his voice cracking at the end and Jaejoong just couldn't say no to him. Yunho looked so vulnerable and honest at the moment that he felt his heart skip a beat.

I'm back after a long time ^^ And guys this is where YunJae will start 🌚🌚

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