~10~ {M}

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A sudden knock on the door startled the couple a few hours after they arrived back at the dorms, spending the whole time cuddling to not think about any of the things that happened before.
„I'll go" the younger mumbled, trying to get out of Yoochun's grip.
„But I don't want to let you go" Yoochun replied, emphasizing his words by pulling Junsu closer again.
Another knock resonated through the silent room making the older groan in resignation, his arms falling loosely to his side.
„Make it quick" he replied and sat up in bed, watching his boyfriend leaving.
„Why are you back again? I thought you have to stay longer in the hospital" was Jaejoong's reply as soon as he saw his younger brother opening the door.
„Guess who told the doctor to take care of me and that it's only a phase" the younger replied and went back to Yoochun, Jaejoong in tow.
„She'll never change Su" the oldest replied and sat down on his swivel chair, looking at the two younger boys before he let out a small sigh.
„Is everything alright Yoochun-ah?" he asked and his gaze immediately fell to the bruise on his cheek.
„Could be better but for now yes. Just quite a lot of things happening" Yoochun replied and rested his chin on Junsu's shoulder, his arms loosely around his torso.
„I talked with Yunho and he told me what happened. I want to say that I'm sorry for treating you the way I did but hearing how you tried to protect Su despite your friendship, it really wasn't fair."
„It's alright. After all you wanted to protect your brother" he replied with a smile, the same smile forming on Jaejoong's lips.
„Also the director told me that we have to go back home during the holidays" he continued, feeling the sick feeling in his stomach again.
„I know. She told me in the hospital and on the way back home. She also told me that we have to show up with girls just so she can show off to the rest of the family" Junsu replied, surprising his brother.
„She really did that?" Jaejoong asked, his gaze stopping at the new bruise on the younger's face.
„Tell me she didn't slap you" he immediately said but seeing his brother's gaze he knew what happened.
„She forbade me to see Yoochun again or else she'll transfer me to another school in another country" he replied, his voice almost a whisper.
„Don't worry too much about it Su. The most important thing is for you to recover as soon as possible. I promise I'll do everything it takes for you to stay together."
„But what about you? You deserve to be happy hyung."
„Don't worry about me okay? I'm happy when you're happy Su" Jaejoong said and got closer to the younger.
„Promise me that you'll do everything to recover and that you'll listen to Yoochun in the future."
„I'll try" Junsu replied and noticed the doubt still written all over the older's face.
„Alright I'll promise but please hyung stop talking about it. I'm already feeling like a burden so don't make it worse" he complained and felt Yoochun's grip around him tighten.
„You're not a burden at all and you'll never be so stop saying things like that" the second oldest whispered into his ear so only he could hear it.
„I have still a lot of work to do so I'll leave you alone but Yoochun-ah make sure he eats enough" Jaejoong warned as he stood up, waiting until he heard that „of course" before he left the room.
„What about I'll try to distract you a little bit from everything?" he whispered against his neck, placing one soft kiss there.
„Please" the younger replied while moving his head a little bit to the side, allowing the older better access.
„As you wish" was his reply almost the same time as he bit down on the soft flesh, eliciting a soft moan from the younger.
„I love you" Yoochun mumbled, seeing a smile forming on Junsu's lips that encouraged him even more.
Without another word he continued, guiding him to lay down on the bed, to finish what he had started.
„You're still the most beautiful person on earth for me" he complimented while letting his hand wander down his side, stopping at his hips.
„Please tell me if you're uncomfortable" the older whispered while resisting the urge to continue, knowing exactly that he should be very careful after his boyfriend just came home from the hospital because of a circulatory collapse.
„I'm fine. You don't have to stop" Junsu replied and sat up a bit to look into Yoochun's eyes.
„I'm sorry for ruining the mood but I'm worried about you. You collapsed once today and I don't want to see it happen again."
„I know and I am sorry because of it" he said and sat up on his knees, wrapping his arms around Yoochun's neck.
„Let's just limit it to that for today. I'm really sorry for that."
„It's perfectly fine. Sex isn't the most important thing. For me I'm happy when I can stay with you, seeing you happy and healthy and I'll do everything to see you like that again" Yoochun replied and kissed him softly, pulling him completely onto his lap.
„I promise I'll make it up to you soon".
„I hope so" Yoochun chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend before he let himself fall back onto the bed.
„Actually I think it wouldn't hurt to go a little bit further" the younger replied and started to created a few hickeys on the older's hipbones, knowing exactly that he would be in trouble if it would be his neck.
„It's impossible to stop you" he replied with a sigh, feeling the younger stop.
„You know that I would feel a lot better after" making the last string of self control left in Yoochun's body snap.
„Promise me to tell me when it's too much" he whispered before he pressed a hungry kiss to his boyfriends lips.

Maybe I'll write more M rated stuff in the next chapter ;-)
As always I was too lazy to proofread ;-)

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