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When Jaejoong reached his own room, his roommate still wasn't back but he didn't even care about him.
He didn't even know his name, the poor boy only spoke to him when needed.
He sometimes had the feeling that people were scared of him and not Yunho.
But then again, he wasn't hurting them physically, he only blocked them out of his life not wanting to suffer again.
Something was bothering the young man the whole day, Yunho's behaviour.
He could have hit him just like that but he didn't, instead he only hit his brother.
Why was Yunho doing that when his younger brother did nothing? It was impossible that Yunho knows about him and Yoochun so there was no reason to bully him, he never talked with Yunho before so there was no way he angered him.
Just why was Yunho always hurting him? Jaejoong knew exactly that if he knew why, then he can make him stop.
It was all so frustrating and he couldn't think of a reason why Yunho was being like that. There was no way that he could like him, Jaejoong would make sure that he'll kill him then but the only reason left would be to get Jaejoong's attention.
It was nonsense, the older knew this exactly but this would explain why Yunho didn't hit him earlier, maybe all he wants is his attention.
If he could make Yunho fall for him, then maybe he can finally help his brother and make him stop.
This way Jaejoong would also be able to finally get revenge, he would make him fall for him and then reject him, finally hurting him in a complete other way. A way that would hurt more than a simple punch.
That's Jaejoong's plan, starting from tomorrow onwards he will try his best to seduce Jung Yunho.
A small smirk made it's way onto Jaejoong's face, looking forward to his diabolical plan.
„You just wait Jung Yunho'" the older mumbled and lay down onto his bed.
Junsu had a day off tomorrow, which was more than good so he could start with his plan without his brother getting hurt again.
Even if he looked forward to the plan he also regretted it, knowing he'll have to actually flirt with Yunho.
Before he could fall asleep he quickly stood up and rushed over to the younger's dorm, to frantically bang on Junsu's door which the younger opened seconds later.
„Hyung is everything okay?"
„You have no lessons tomorrow right?"
„Right but you have so shouldn't you be sleeping right now?"
„Actually yes but can I come in?" he asked and quickly slipped inside the room.
„Yoochun has Yunho ever told you why he is so mean to Junsu?" Jaejoong asked and looked at the boy who was just shaking his head.
„I think I have figured it out and I already have a plan to make him stop."
„So what's the plan?"
„I can't tell you but I'll make sure to hurt him just like he hurt you."
„You'll be getting in trouble if you do that."
„Not physically but emotionally" Jaejoong said with a smirk.
„But it's important that you don't see him before I did which shouldn't be so hard since you're free tomorrow. I expect you to take care of him" he continued and glared at Yoochun.
„I promise you that I will" Yoochun said and hugged the younger.
„Good. I really hope this will work out" Jaejoong mumbled more to himself, nervously walking around the room.
„Thank you so much hyung" Junsu suddenly said and looked up at his older brother.
„I never wanted to create so much trouble and be such a burden."
„You're not. Just don't listen to Yunho? You're perfect. Don't ever change because of something he has said."
„Don't worry so much about me hyung".
„I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well" Jaejoong said and left the room, going back to his own dorm to see that his roommate was back now and doing his homework.
Without any word he lay down on his bed and thought of how he should start his plan. He was nervous, hoping he was right or else Yunho was going to make his and Junsu's life horrible.
He just wanted his brother to be safe, nothing more and nothing less. It hurt him so much to see what Yunho did to him and he was always too late. He just hoped he could finally help his brother.
After thinking about it longer he eventually fell asleep, not wanting to think about what could go wrong. The only good thing was that Yunho looks good  even if Jaejoong only wanted to play with him for revenge.
No way he would ever get attached to Yunho, he knew that this plan would probably work out just fine if he was right about Yunho.
But if he was wrong that would be a big problem. The only way to find out was trying and Jaejoong knew it plus he already decided that he will stick to his plan.
After thinking for a while he eventually fell asleep and sunk into a deep dream.

A loud thud woke Junsu up and he was glad that he woke up from his nightmare. It was the same every day, all the insults from Yunho kept on hunting him everday, making him even more insecure and aware of his flaws. And even if Yoochun and Jaejoong always told him to talk with them he didn't want to be such a burden and kept it all to himself. Yoochun knew about his nightmares but only because he woke up once and witnessed his worked up boyfriend. Today was different, Yoochun wasn't a light sleeper and he was completely exhausted from school so he didn't even hear the thud.
This was the nth night this happened and it wasn't even 3 AM. Junsu sighed and silently stood up while sneaking out of the room. He always went out inthe schoolyard to enjoy the silent Night even if students weren't allowed to leave their rooms after midnight. No one has ever caught him so he just continued with it and went out to his favorite spot, looking at the full moon. He loved the quiet atmosphere and how the moon illuminated the whole garden. Even if it was already December it wasn't that cold so he still used to go out here as long as possible.
„You know that students aren't supposed to be out here" a familiar voice startled the younger  male and sat down beside him.
„Another nightmare?" Yoochun asked and put an arm around his boyfriend, the younger immediately leaned against the older.
„You should tell me when you're feeling sad. It's freezing cold out here."
„But it's quiet and the moon is beautiful. It makes me temporarily forget everything" Junsu admitted and Yoochun felt like crying. How did the once so happy and cheerful person end up like this and all because of his best friend. He wanted to cry, to tell Junsu that everything will be okay and that Yunho will stop but he knew that he couldn't promise him something like that. Even if Yunho stopped he was already so broken that it would take a lot of effort to go back to his cheerful self.
„Hey I promise you that I'll do everything for you to make you happy. It hurts so much to see how much you have changed Su. You're not the cheerful and happy Su anymore and all I want is to have your old self back. The one who could always make me laugh and the one who would be proud of yourself. I'll help you as much as I can, I just don't want to see you so sad anymore. Do you trust me?" Yoochun asked and Junsu nodded before he felt Yoochun's lips against his own, melting under his touch.
„Let's go to bed Su" he whispered and grabbed his hand while guiding him back to their shared room.

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