Chapter Six: Impetuous Actions

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I burst through the double doors of The Garrison right as the Saint Andrew's Church bells tolled out 10:00 p.m. I was out of breath, panting with my hands on my knees as I looked around the room. The pub was deserted except for a man behind the bar and the four Shelby brothers gathered around a table.

They appeared to have gotten here just before I had, as they were all still in their overcoats.

Thomas looked up at me and slyly smiled.

"Nice to see you made it 'ere on time."

I only nodded in reply as my lungs were still burning from my mad dash to make it here.

All of the brothers were still dashingly dressed even for this time of night.

Arthur had on a tweed, gray suit and vest, a white, dress shirt, gray overcoat, and a red bowtie which was slightly crooked.

John was wearing a dark gray suit and vest, a blue, dress shirt, black overcoat; only he didn't bother with a tie. He also had, as usual, a toothpick hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Finn and Thomas were dressed similarly in black suits, vests, and overcoats with white, dress shirts; Thomas had on a red tie and Finn like John didn't fool with wearing one.

They had all removed their caps and had them placed on the table in front of them, showing off their hairstyles I still considered to be strange and unusual. They might be bad men, but they knew how to dress to impress, even though I wasn't sure why they would want to impress me.

"So, are we goin' to play fuckin' cards or what?" Arthur asked in a gruff voice.

"Wait a minute," John stated before anyone else could answer, "What the fuck is she doin' 'ere Tommy?" He was intently staring at my face with suspicion and curiosity.

"Because I invited 'er," Thomas replied lighting a cigarette, "I already told you John, once were done playin' cards we're talking business and she has a part to play in me plan."

I stared at Thomas intently and in disbelief. He spoke as if I wasn't even in the building and not only that he was also planning to use me for his own personal gain.

"Excuse me?" I spoke up with nervousness coming into my voice.

"You 'eard me," Thomas stated with some surprise at the fact I had dared to speak out to him, "Once we finish our game we are talking about business matters."

"Yeah alright then let's get this over with," Arthur grumbled as he stood up, "Who wants a drink?"

"Only beer for you boys tonight Arthur," Thomas stated as he blew out a puff of smoke, "I need you all to be sober later."

Arthur grunted in disappointment as he walked over to the counter and told the barman to pour some beers.

Thomas joined Arthur at the bar.

"No beer for me Harry," he told the barman as he waved him off with his hand, "I'll take a bottle of Irish whiskey."

I noticed Arthur's eyes widen.

"Why the bloody 'ell do I get stuck drinkin' this shit," he waved his mug of beer in the air, "While you get the good stuff, eh?"

A smile formed on Thomas's lips.

"Because I know when to fuckin' stop," he said as he placed an arm around Arthur's shoulder, his free hand carrying a whiskey bottle and glass, "Come on cheer up brother, we 'ave to focus and beat Finn this time."

John and Finn, (Finn with a broad smile on his face at Thomas's remark), had come over to the bar and after picking up their mugs of beer began to follow behind their older brothers.

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