Chapter Fifteen: Gathering Storm

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For the rest of the days leading up to the beginning of the new year the only thing father could talk about was his party. He practically spent all day, every day, discussing how the hotel would be decorated, the catering service, who the speakers would be, and how everyone he had invited, even Reginald Williams, said they would be in attendance.

I was surprised by Reginald's acceptance of father's invitation as I thought he would still be angry at father's lack of an explanation about my behavior. I eventually learned Reginald's wife, Hellen, was the one who convinced her husband to set aside his differences and grievances and spend the night with the other aristocrats of Birmingham, London, and beyond.

Ryan was just as excited as father and spent the whole time at his side to help make decisions about the event.

I couldn't help but feel guilty as I watched the two of them plan every last, meticulous detail down to the silverware because I knew my actions that night would ruin everything.

Momma and Maggie tried their best to ignore Ryan and father as they both weren't particularly looking forward to the seemingly pointless celebration.

I didn't blame them either for I knew Maggie would be bored as she would practically be forced to act proper and Momma would be drug around by father to be introduced to all of his friends.

Momma tried to get father to think more about what our new year's plans were going to be, but father couldn't be brought out of his trance-like state and since he was actually in a decent mood for once in a long time Momma left him to his own devices.

I was grateful both Ryan and father were distracted for it gave me some relief from their constant questioning and hounding of my behavior. I did my best to try to ignore them as well and joined Momma and Maggie in the drawing room for afternoon tea.

Neither of them said a word when I entered the room and I assumed I was in a way somewhat welcomed to sit down.

Maggie gave me a quick, cross glare as I sat down on the couch, but I gave her unpleasant action no heed as I wasn't going to simply let her ruin my day.

"What are we doing for new year's?" I asked Momma in an attempt to hold some sort of a conversation with her.

Momma set her tea cup and saucer down onto an end table and let out a sigh before answering,

"Your father is holding a gathering at his hotel. He wants to talk to you later tonight."

I processed Momma's words before I even thought about opening my mouth again,

"Why?" I wondered to myself, "Is he afraid I'll mess up something again and hurt his business?"

I had no answers in my mind and I tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but I was having a great difficultly hiding my nervousness.

"Everything will be alright," Momma told me, but her voice didn't sound reassuring.

Maggie pretended to ignore our conversation while she took small sips of her tea, but I could tell she was greatly intrigued and wanted to know more about the gossip-like subject Momma was conveying.

After dinner I soon learned what father had in store for me. He announced he wanted to talk to me alone.

Momma and Maggie both immediately obeyed and they left the dining room with an almost urgent-like pace as if they were afraid to stay.

Ryan didn't seem to get the memo and he stayed in his chair beside father, looking at me with a prideful expression.

"Ryan," father stated, "I would like to talk to Bella alone, please."

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