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Sorry for posting this part so late after the rest of my story was already complete. I wanted to give people enough time to read my story before I added this last part.

This part will include an explaination about why I chose to write my story in the way I did as well as an explanation about the hidden meanings in my story. This part is not to be mean or to insult anyone who reads it. I wanted to give an explanation of why I did what I did. I have always enjoyed learning about deeper and hidden meanings when I read other stories. (: I have also enjoyed learning about the uses of imagery in the show itself (I will explain some of this later because I have borrowed Steven Knight's use of color and references to hell in my story). If anyone who reads this has any ideas about what they found or thought my story meant in anyway please feel free to comment. I like hearing other peoples' thoughts and ideas so don't be afraid to share. (:

I just want to thank all of those who have read my story again. I couldn't have made to where I am now if it wasn't for you! (:
Thank you! (:

As this explaination will include important plot points from the story I must give a spoiler alert. If you have not finnished the story and don't want to know any of plot points before you read them then I advise that you do not read past this point. Also spoilers from seasons 1-4 will be present as well.

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Why I chose to write this story:

From the beginning when I started to think about ideas on what I wanted my story to include, I knew that I wanted it to be dark in tone. I first only started out reading other fanfictions and I noticed none of them really ended on a dark note which I found interesting. I knew then that I wanted to try something different and write a fanfic that had a more depressing and dark tone to it. I always thought of the show as having a dark tone more than a light one because to me what little moments of happiness that are present throughout the show's four seasons rarely last long.

The first season even opens on a bleak note. The war is over but the men who fought will never be themselves again. The war made most of them distant and in Thomas's case the fear of death no longer exists. Also what little happiness that is present in the first season, for example, Ada having her baby, rarely lasts because she immediately witnesses Freddie's arrest right after.
This theme continues throughout the other seasons: Polly being re-united with Micheal only for him to later be taken away from her again when he is arrested by Campbell, Thomas marrying Grace only for her to be killed the next episode, and John's death before the family can re-unite (this last I didn't know when I was writting my story because I finished before season 4 came out, but it fits my point and I will use it here). (R.I.P John and Alfie, you will be missed) ):
I wanted to continue this trend in my story.

I got the idea for Isabella's moral desent into darkness from Michael's in seasons 2 and 3. I was quite amazed by his quick transformation. He went from basically being a, for lack of a better term, "good boy" to becoming exactly like Thomas only a couple of epiodes after meeting him. In a way Michael idolized his cousin's lifestyle and Michael's transformation wasn't just in his behavior; it was also physical: from dressing different, to smoking and drinking, swearing, and even becoming a murderer; he wanted to to be just like Thomas in every way.
I wanted to show this same concept in a different way: what if someone was in a way forced to 'work' for Thomas, but they changed their character as a result their choices alone even though they didn't accept their own mistakes until it was too late? In the end I came up with this story, writting whatever came to mind. (:

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Small Heath being compared to hell: I got this idea from Steven Knight himself when he announced that all of the directors' and cinematographers' references to hell are intentional. From the bleak, dark, and smokey atmosphere of Small Heath to the flames that shoot out of the factory fernaces; the imgages produced are basically saying: "Thomas Shelby (the devil) rules over Small Heath (hell)."
This might seem a little far-fetched, but I have always been the one to overcomplicate things. (:
Here's some examples I used:

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