Chapter Nine: New Lodgings, The Baker, and The Smuggler

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Late October

During Thomas's month of recovery, life at home didn't improve. No one in my family, not even Maggie, wanted to speak a single word to me. Father by now knew who Thomas was and he was upset and angry with me to say the least.

I had to try harder to avoid father's, prying questions about why I had lied to everyone and I was growing frustrated. I still couldn't tell anyone the truth because my family's lives depended upon my silence. It was becoming more difficult to prevent father from storming over to Thomas's house to demand answers, but I knew deep down father was scared of him and it was rare for father to be afraid of anything or anyone.

Momma for once actually joined my side and convinced father not to act brashly. She was completely terrified of Thomas and father's, new, inside information he had gotten from his various contacts in the local government and at the office only added to her uneasy, panicked state. Momma wanted father to put in word with his allies to get us a new place to live, but father wasn't going to be driven from our home for any reason and he just simply told us we would have to do our best to ignore our neighbor. Father was just as stubborn as Thomas was and I wondered what the final outcome would be.

I had received a letter from Polly explaining Thomas's absence and about how he wanted to see me in a couple of days. Polly's correspondence confirmed what I already knew: Thomas was alive, for if the tyrant had died the news would have spread like wildfire and people would have rejoiced.

I didn't even mind or care anymore I was a piece being used in Thomas's, diabolical game. I just wanted to get away from my family because I couldn't stand being constantly questioned or frowned upon by both Momma and father. Maggie now even judged me and my actions and I wasn't comfortable with this as Maggie had never before questioned me or my character.

Father now stayed at work for longer periods of time and didn't bother coming home on Sundays which was his usual, customary habit so he could see Momma, Maggie, and I, but I was the reason he wanted to avoid home at all costs.

Momma was beginning to grow depressed about father's absence. She had been startled and baffled by father's argument with me right after he had found out about who Thomas truly was.

I could still remember our conversation loud and clear in my mind. It had taken place at the beginning of the new month and father was in a rage when he came through the front door. He wasted no time saying any greetings to anyone and got straight to the point with me.

* * *

Early October

I was sitting in the drawing room reading a book while Momma sat across from me sowing Maggie a new blanket for the oncoming winter.

The front door opened without warning and closed again with a loud bang which sounded like gunfire.

Father, red faced and breathing angrily, came storming into the room.

"Bella!" he roared without even greeting Momma, "You're in serious trouble! Do you hear me?! Serious trouble!"

"What's going on James?" Momma asked worryingly and with some panic.

"Our daughter has befriended the leader of the Peaky Blinders and they are the most dangerous and notorious gang in all of Birmingham, if not the whole of England!" father bellowed without showing any signs of calming down, "Bella has dinned with thieves and murderers! That is what's wrong! And she has lied to us to cover it up!"

Momma had a look of pure shock and horror on her face and I had dropped my book to the floor after father's, first rant.

"Why?!" father continued his yelling, "Why have you done this Bella?! Are you trying to ruin the family's name?! Thomas Shelby is the worst, most cruel, hateful, odious man I have ever heard of! He cuts out people's tongues, gouges out people's eyes, steals from the poor, runs illegal gambling dens, is a bootlegger, does protection, is involved in racketeering, fixes horse races which robs men blind, kills those who speak out against him, owns pretty much all of the police through bribes, and I am willing to bet he has sold his own soul to the devil himself!"

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