Chapter Eight: Terrifying Consequences

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I woke up to a bright light shining through the curtains. I sat up, stretched, and looked out the window. I could tell, even though the curtains blocked most of my view, the day outside was warm and beautiful. I smiled as this was the first morning I had felt good about myself in a long time, but I knew my parents would throw questions my way as soon as I went downstairs for breakfast. I climbed out of bed and crossed over to my desk. I then noticed the letter from last night I had completely forgotten about until now. I hastily snatched it up and after opening it, read much to my disappointment,

Dear Isabella,

Come back to my house on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and don't be late.

P.S. Come alone,


I was angry to say the least as I didn't want to keep lying to my parents and sister all of the time.

"Why do I have to go back over there so soon?" I asked myself, "Haven't I already done enough for him? After all I did save his life, but why does he need me? And I guess he thinks two more days is enough time to fully recover from being poisoned a few nights ago."

I threw the letter in my desk drawer with the other one already there. I didn't want to keep being a pawn in Thomas's, deadly game of chess, but I knew deep down I was curious about him and his family and that curiosity kept growing after each encounter. I still had no thoughts on why I was thinking this way because I couldn't understand why I was drawn to dangerous people. I thought it was perhaps down to the fact I had always lived a sheltered life and now I was traveling the wide world anything promising adventure was going to be explored by me. But in all of the books I had read not one, single character was fascinated by a person who had threatened their life.

While I was still trying to understand myself, I got ready for the new day. Then I remembered father was home. I grew excited, but also worried for I knew that as soon as I made downstairs questions about the 'ball' we went to last night would come my way unless Maggie had already spilled everything.

I sighed as I left my room and shakenly walked down the stairs to the dining room.

Father was sitting at the head of the table reading the morning paper and was surrounded by dishes containing breakfast.

Momma was sitting beside him to his right and she was sipping on a cup of tea.

Neither one of them said a thing to me and Maggie came running into the room.

Maggie sat beside Momma and she started putting some eggs onto Maggie's plate.

I was thankful Maggie hadn't told Momma and father about last night and I sat down across from Momma.

Just as I was starting to put some breakfast onto my plate, Momma asked me the question I had been dreading,

"How was last night?"

"It was wonderful," I replied not looking at Momma and instead stayed more focused on the food around me.

"Did you dance with anyone?" Momma continued her barrage of questions.

"Yes, I did," I answered, which wasn't a lie as I had danced with Thomas.

"What was his name?" Momma added.

"I don't remember now," another obvious lie came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"Well that's too bad," Momma sighed and I knew she probably didn't believe me and she added,

"Did Maggie behave herself?"

Maggie rolled her eyes and I said,

"Yes, she did. She found other children to play with and she didn't ruin her dress if you can believe it."

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