Chapter Ten: Impossible Requests and Intolerable Demands

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After I received Thomas's, despairing news, I was lost for words. I couldn't comprehend why the Germans wanted to see me of all people and Thomas wouldn't fill me in on any details making me grow frustrated. I was tired of being forced into dangerous situations that were beginning to ruin my life and destroy my soul, all without repayment or anyone giving me a straight answer.

We had a silent dinner and later that night Ada attempted to confront Thomas about his behavior and treatment of me, but to no avail; he wouldn't budge and wasn't going to change his mind. He had chosen me for some reason and I wasn't going to be set free until I had fulfilled my purpose.

I locked myself away in one of Ada's, countless, guest rooms and I refused to come out for the rest of the night despite Ada's, multiple pleas. I wanted to get as far away from this family as I could, but I knew it was too late.

Silvia's words came back to me. She had spoken like it was possible to flee from Thomas, but I couldn't understand how. Even if a way was presented to me in a clear light, I probably wouldn't be able to take it for I knew I was too weak and Thomas was too powerful. I was trapped and no one could help me; if I screamed no one could hear me. I was alone in the dark being tortured by the shadows and demons of the night and there was nowhere to hide.

I was mature enough to know the difference between moral right and wrong, but this wouldn't be able to help me in my current situation. I was just praying and hoping my family wouldn't be the ones who ended up paying the price for my costly actions.

I eventually calmed myself enough to get some rest. I surprisingly slept well and was awoken in the early morning hours by someone shaking me. I was jarred out of my slumber and was startled, but I calmed down as soon as I saw Ada's face staring back at me.

"You better get ready quick, love," she told me, "Tommy is all ready to leave, but he can wait because I made you breakfast."

I smiled,

"Thank you."

She let out a small laugh,

"Come on, let's get you something to eat."

I followed her downstairs, still dressed in her nightgown I borrowed.

Thomas was waiting in the kitchen, already dressed and when he caught sight of me still in my night clothes, he grew impatient.

"I don't 'ave all day. So, if you could just 'urry up we can be on our way back to Birmingham," he announced in a grumpy manner.

Ada ignored him completely and she expected I should do the same as we both made our way around him.

"Made you some eggs and toast," Ada said as she got out a plate and fork for me.

I sat down at the table and Ada put a plate of food before me. I started eating and tried to tune out the sound of Thomas tapping his foot.

"I 'ave to make it back to Birmingham on time in order to deal with your father. After your disobedient escape from 'ome he came over and tried to bother me. I told 'im you were safe, but he didn't believe me. So, I need you to go tell 'im yourself," he said in a rude, taunting voice.

I swallowed a piece of toast hard, choking in the process and I had to drink multiple sips of tea to clear my throat before speaking.

"My father came back?" I asked.

"Yeah and that's why we need to get back before he decides to do somethin' rash," he answered.

"He's going to do something rash?!" I cried in disbelief, "And what do you call every, single thing you've done?! I'm not like you at all nor is anyone in my family! I wish you would fucking leave me and my family alone already!"

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