2:I'm coming back.

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Summer has finally come and now to do the one thing I wanted to do.
yell at a bird and there is one right now.....


and now the bird have faited I should probably get to work now.

(at work)........

At work ther were lot of people asking things like. Where's the wheel polish, how much is for the power milk or is there any Crow bars. man today is going to be a busy day and there Enid being overwhelm by everone.

"Sir please,everone one at a time"

"Hey Enid i see that summer really does bring a lot of people"

"Yeah it's the living nightmare having to helping everyone can you cleanup on aisle 4"
Enid say pointing at the mess.

"On it don't worry"

I say running off.

"Easy for you to say"

(End of the day)

"Man today was hard but I'm so glad it's all over."
Rad said stretching a little.

"Yeah for today only tomorrow might be the same and do i have a headache."
Enid said rubbing her head with an ice pack from the fridge.

"You can say that again who knew summer can be this overwhelming."

"Well see you guys later..."
Ran jump into his van and drove away.

"Bye K.O. see you for work tomorrow"
Enid walk off for home.

I went to my mom car where she is waiting for me.

"Hi K.O. how was work today."
My mom say happily.

"Really hard there were so many people I think one of my friend just died from the inside."
Pretty sure Enid went half dead.

"Well a goodnighy rest should do it"

( bed time)

"Goodnight K.O. sweet dreams."
Mom kiss my head before leaving.

And I instantly fall asleep.


It was dark and cold i couldn't see a thing but then i heard a growl i look behind me to see someone that i wish to never see again...

"Hello K.O. long time no seen...."


"What cat got your tongue or are you just surprised to see me."
He said smiling at me.

"I-i thought you were defeated.."
I back away slowly form him as he came closer to me.

"Oh no you didn't you just put me in a cage wish I eventually broke out of and K.O. i'm coming back"

"No your not i'm not letting you hurt anybody I know and love"

"Well you better watch your back then because one day I'm going to strike and kill everyone we know"


"Remember we are the same person which means I know people you know"


               "GOODNIGHT K.O."

( reality)

I wake up screaming i look around only into see i was in my room.

"No no no T.K.O. is not coming back i just know it especially not on the days of summer"
I look at my clock it was 12:59 am. So early so I try going back to sleep and not think about him......

OK K.O. let's be heroes: Your Not Going To Win.Where stories live. Discover now