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//magic skeleton//

"man what's taking them so long."
It's been almost an hour now. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make the back room soundproof.

"it wouldn't hurt to have a peek I mean what's the worst that could happen." I went over to the door and open it but what I saw I wish I never did. There lay bearson body cover in Blood,the floor and walls had burn marks,his head was gone and there was a giant hole.

"W-what j-just h-happen in h-here.
w-what am I saying I have to call the police."

(2 hours later........)

The police arrived an hour ago they take away bearson body and his head and trying to figure out what happen they even ask me a couple question until one meet me think.
" was anyone in the room with him."
Now that i think about it K.O. was in the room with him and i didn't see him what if he kill bearson.


What am I thinking he would never do that he's a nice kid and there got to be another reason what happened I mean it's not like you suddenly become evil that outreach.

"Hey skeleton we heard what happened we're sorry for your bestfriend death."

I look over to see Rad Enid and Carol they all have a worried look on their face. "Don't worried about me I'm just wondering who kill bearson and what happen to K.O."

"Wait K.O. was here."
Carol said.

"Y-yeah he said that he had something important to tell bearson but that all i know."
I said until I heard someone behind me, I turn around to only face the police.

"excuse me but we found something weird not only we found a weapon that can turn into a gun and a sword we also found a weird purple liquid do you happen to know what it is."

He show me the purple liquid in a small bottle it was sparkly and it looks like goo. "Um.... no i never seen something like this before where did you find it."

"We found it on the crime scenes it seems as if it was spilt during the attack we still don't know what it is but it may be a clue."

"May I take a look."

"OH GOD...!"
Enid ShoutOut.

We all look behind us and it out to be only a little girl that scared us or more like scared Enid.

"Oh it only you Dendy,you really need to stop popping out everywhere."
Enid said.

"Of course my apologies but anyways may I see that bottle officer."

"Um sure."
The police handed her the bottle.

"Mmm......it looks kinda familiar,oh now i remember what it is, Doin one of my studies I stumble upon something that look just like this it was call Botulinum toxin or better known as Type H. highly toxic."
(if you're wondering yes it's real)

// nobody //

"Sir we found someone but we need to call the ambulance immediately he in terrible condition."

"WHAT show me at once."

The police officer run over to the end of the Forest. Everone else decided to follow so they all ran to that person but who they saw meet them all  shocked and fear.  It was K.O. but he was cover in cuts and scars,his clothes were torn,he had a black eye and he had blood all over.

Carol ran over and hugs K.O. while crying a waterfall. "Oh K.O. honey what happen to you."

"Madam Please he in terrible condition and he's in a comma right now."

(Time skip because I can)~ 🎶

It's been a weak now and K.O. is still in a comma the doctor said that there's only a little chance that he might wake up again and that made as worried. The police are still trying to find the corporate that kill bearson but right now no luck. The police let's Dendy help them becarse they need all the help they can get.

"Hey Enid you ok."
I look over to see rad beside me.

"yeah just a little I'm still wondering what happened while we were gone."

"I don't know but we can't look at the past now we need to look ahead and hope for a better future."

"wow since when do you became wise."

"I took some online classes."

"Of course you did."
I said rolling my eyes.

OK K.O. let's be heroes: Your Not Going To Win.Where stories live. Discover now