3:what happen to you

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//K.O.// ( at work )

At work there were not many people just two or three maybe but i just can't stop thinking about last night there's no way T.K.O. is back he gone for good right?

'Am I'

'Who say that'
I look around only to see nobody maybe it was Rad or Enid.

"Hey Rad,Enid did one of you say something." I look around only to see that there were't here.

'Well that was weird i was sure someone said something maybe it was just me.'

'Really what made you think that is it the fact that i'm in your head.'

'WHAT..... leave me alone you dark freak.'

'Now why would I do that K.O. you know that where the same person'

'doesn't matter your not doing your evil plans'

'Really well how about if i jus-'

"Hey K.O. what are you doing over there" someone interrupt my thought conversation i look over to see that it was Enid.

"hey Enid where were you i didn't see you at the counter."

"Oh Rad got his head stuck in one of the toilet again."


"Last week he try to Skip work by flushing himself down the toilet I video the whole thing you can see how that go."

I watch the video it was Rad trying to get his head out and there was Mr.gar pulling as hard as he can and yelling at him for doing something stupid. Men he must be really stuck wait a minute.....

"So how did he get stuck this time?"

"octopus tentacle Rad try to fight it but it tried to drown him next."
She said it like it was nothing.

"Is he ok?"

"Why not ask him yourself he right there."
Enid Pointed at the far back corner of the plaza.
(Can't show the picture a little bit disturbing)

I saw Rad crying in the corner he has spots all over his face and rocking back and forth um.... maybe i'll ask him later. Suddenly the alarm went off meaning buttmen is sending someone to attack us but why now? We all run outside to see Darrell laughing at us this suddenly makes me angry which is weird I usually never get angry.

"Hello lakewood loser miss me"

"not really i just miss the part where we send you back in a disappointing soda can"
Enid said with a come back.

"Ha ha good one Enid did you get that K.O."

"Um.... yeah i did"
I said not really pay attention.

"K.O. are you ok"

"I'm fine can we just focus on the battle"

"Just checking"

"Well isn't this a touching moment but i got a job to do" suddenly he started to change in to a huge Canon with a huge lizard pointing at us then suddenly everything went black.....

Great this stupid robot just turned himself into a lizard Canon how in the world are we going to stop that thing.

"I-i think we need help..."

"We stay and fight."

"You're joking right."

"will never make it back in time are you with me or not."

"Yeah I with you what about you K.O."

We look over to see that he not here WAIT WHAT.........

"Hey where did he go."

"To bad I was hoping to annihilate three of you oh well two is good enough I guess. Now prepare to di-"
In a blink of an eye he was cut in half then he explored.

"What the"

We both look over to see darrell broken part falling everywhere but then I saw a figure. When i look a little closer it was K.O. but something was wrong his eye was glowing white and his hands wise on fire but purple colour.

We both shouted out to him. He then turn to look at us. It kinda scary me to just look in to those soulless eyes and not seeing a single emotion but then his eyes stop glowing and the fire was out.

"W-what just happen....."
he said like he doesn't remember what he did...

"Dude you just like totally destroy darrell with one strike like it was nothing."
Rad say not understand what happening.

"K.O. what happen to you."

"I-i don't know one minute i saw darrell become a huge cannon then it went dark the next thing I knew everything was destroyed."

I can tell that he was scared and to be honest i was too. I don't know what's happening to him but whatever it is i know we can help.

"Don't worry kido whatever going on with you we can find a way to help."

"Thanks enid you're the best."
K.O. gave me a hug so I return it back.

"HEY what about me"

"Do you even want to help rad."

"Well of course K.O. is my little dude and I don't want anything bad happen to him."

"Thanks rad your the best to."


hey everyone i see that this book got alot of People reading it and I'm surprised I thought people we're going to annoy this book but I guess I was wrong. Thank you

Lakewood turbo Plaza....................

OK K.O. let's be heroes: Your Not Going To Win.Where stories live. Discover now