6:I can help you

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//1 months later//(Friday)

Days have never been more slowly yet so much has happened. Carol been upsad for a monrhs now. she close her dojo because she was too depressed to work, magic skeleton has been really down without bearson he was often bored and got nothing to do. And just a few days earlier we found out that Dendy had a crush on K.O. and that just cute. Right now work have been nothing but dead to me but at least something did happen.

"Hey Enid how ya doing my little grape head."

"Hey Rad i doing just find, so what did you do my Kitty friend."

Did i forgot to mention that me and rad are a relationship.

"Nothing much just finish stacking the shelf and you."

"Just sitting around, Hey maybe we should go visit K.O. later today cause you know to see if he's awake or not."

"Um...sure but last time you almost cry."

It was true last time we visit meet me cry just standing there feeling hopeless,useless to do anything to help him but visiting him is the least we can do.

"don't worry I'll be fine."

//at the Hospital//

When we got to K.O. room Dendy was there with a present in her hands.

"Hey Dendy you came to see K.O. to."
I said with a smile.

"Yes and give him this present i made."

"What is it."
I ask.

"It's a little friend."

"A friend?"
Rad said.

"Indeed i found him in the Forest when i was studying mushroom. I didn't know at all what species it is,when i did a little research there were nothing on it nothing at all so i decided to give it to K.O. and if your wondering yes it is 100% safe because it just act cute and eat kiwis."

Dendy put the present on the table next to K.O. bed. "Anyways i should be going home now good bye." She left the room leaving the present.

"So... do you want to look inside the box."

"Rad you know we can't it K.O."

"But what if K.O. never wakes up then that thing will probably die and we'll never get to know what it is."


Rad stare at me in shock that i realise what I did."oh sorry i didn't mean to yell at you it just when you said that he won't wakes up it just meet me mad."

"No no it's my fault I shouldn't have said that what I should be doing is hoping he wakes up today and not denying he won't."

"Y-you gays a-re the weirdest."
Someone say.

We look behind us to see who said that and it turns out it was K.O. who is awake.

We both said it at the same time."

"H-how long was I out for."

"dude you were out for a month you missed a lot."

"A-a month."
He said in shock.

"yeah oh and Dendy left you a present."
I said.


K.O. look to his side to see the present that Dendy left for him. He when to take it but before he could open it Enid put her hand on it.

OK K.O. let's be heroes: Your Not Going To Win.Where stories live. Discover now