Chapter 2

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I hope you guys are enjoying my fanfiction so far😊 Here is Chapter 2

Tris POV

After everyone picks their jobs, we all cheer and scream "WELCOME TO DAUNTLESS!!" After that, we all head back to the dormitories, but Tobias stops me.

"Congratulations Tris! I knew you could do it!" He practically has to yell over all the noise.

"Thanks Four!" I smirk.

"I uhh I wanted to know if you wanted me to help you bring your stuff to your new apartment. Then maybe we could uhh go out for dinner or something?" He says while scratching the back of his neck.

"I would love to!" I say and then I kiss him.

"Tris! You coming?!" Christina yells.

"Be right there!" I yell and I run off, while waving to Tobias.

(In the dormitories)

I am the first person finished packing so I go to sit on Christina's bed. With us is Uriah, Will, Marlene, and Lynn. They are all talking about their new jobs.

Christina picked initiate trainer and makeup artist in the Dauntless Salon. Will chose to work in the control room. Uriah decided to be an initiate trainer and a guide to take people zip lining. Lynn chose to be a Dauntless leader (in training) and while she was training, she will be giving people peircings. And Marlene chose to be a nurse. According to Christina, since Peter didn't get to be a Dauntless Leader, he chose to make weapons, I wouldn't know because I wasn't paying much attention to the ceremony.

After awhile, the dormitory starts to get really noisy, so I decide to go for a walk to clear my head. I go to the one place I can think of.

The Chasm.

I find the sound of the water crashing onto the rocks below soothing and I love the cool mist that sprays your legs if you get close enough.

I lean into the railing and I feel the cool metal against my hips. I close my eyes and just breathe. All of a sudden. A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I quickly turn my head around just to find Tobias looking down at me smiling.

His smile makes my insides melt. "Ready for our date?" He says smiling.

"Of course!" I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"Well I'm kinda hungry so why don't we eat first?" He suggests with a smile on his face.

"Sure I'm hungry to." I didn't realize that my stomach was growling. I start to walk towards the restaurant area of the Pit, but Tobias picks me up bridal style. "Hey!" I laugh.

"Here put this on," he hands me a blindfold "I have a surprise for you."

"Ok" I giggle.

Tobias POV

Tris starts walking towards tbr resaturants for our date, but I have other plans. I catch up to her and scoop her into my arms.

"Hey!" She laughs. I love her laugh, it's so innocent.

I give her a blindfold and tell her to put it on. She giggles and puts it on. As I walk down the famiar hallways, I see her scrunch her nose and furrow her eyebrows. I know she is trying to figure out where we are going. That's what I love about her.

She is smart, curious, brave, and selfless. And she is mine.

I finally reach my favorite place in Dauntless. The place where we first kissed.

Our place.

I set Tris down and she hurriedly takes off the blind fold. She looks through the door and when she sees the picnic that I have set up here eyes light up and she smiles.

Tris POV

"Oh Tobias!" I practically yell "This is amazing!"

Tobias set us up a beautiful picnic at our spot in the Chasm. There is wine, sandwiches, and of course, dauntless cake.

"I'm glad you like it." He says smiling. "Now let's eat!"

We walk over to the rock and sit. We probably talk and eat for about an hour before we are both stuffed and tired. We clean everything up and we walk to the dormitories to get my things. Once we have all of my things, we start walking to my new apartment. I haven't seen it yet. We are about to turn the corner to get to the hall my apartment is in when Tobias stops me.

"I uh I was wondering if you maybe wanted to uh move into my apartment with me?" He says while rubbing the back of his neck. I don't even think about it.

"I would love to Tobias!"

He smiles one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen and we walk to his apartment. As we reach apartment 460, he stops and unlocks the door. I love his apartment. We put down my boxes and decide to unpack them in the morning. We go over to his bed and go to sleep. I'm in one of his T-shirts and some shorts and he is in boxers. I snuggle up against him and he protectively wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle my head into the pillow.

It smells like wind and metal. It smells like Tobias.

It smells safe.


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- Emily❤️

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