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The young male crept through the pine trees. His red-gold pelt glimmered in the moonlight. He winced at the thought of being seen so easily and stuck to the shadows, trying to keep low and hidden among the darkness. He feared what would happen once he reached the site he was told to meet at.

He trembled with every step that drew him nearer. Anxiety clenched his gut in knots. He padded up to a steep hill that led to a silver-dappled clearing with fallen trees and a stream babbling over the stones. Sitting and looking around, he noticed how creepy this place was with its endless shadows and little sound. And the silence of the darkness seemed to be the loudest thing of all.

Even though he felt the urge to turn and flee, he reminded himself that he wouldn't disobey his alpha. Though I have before, he thought darkly. He knew what was coming. His alpha would try to persuade him to return to the Pack. But he couldn't! Not now! He has a mate and beautiful pups to care and provide for!

What about my place in the Pack? I'm so well respected and have everything I've always dreamed of! Giving himself reassurance, he almost hadn't heard the strange noise of another wolf approaching.

He twitched his ears nervously. Then he saw it. The large well-muscled wolf came stalking his way. It's piercing amber eyes stabbed through the young male. He tried to avoid the mix of disappointment and anger coming off his leader.

The older wolf sat across the other side of the stream that divided the two territories. His frame was tense as if he was trying to control his anger. Cocking his head to one side he blinked in surprise. "I didn't think you would actually come here tonight."

"Why wouldn't I? You're my leader. I had to listen. The young male felt disbelief stir up inside his belly. Does he really not trust me to obey him at all anymore? He thought bitterly.

The old wolf stood to his paws and cleared the stream in one leap with no effort whatsoever. He came to stand beside the younger wolf. "You know, I trusted you to take responsibilities in my Pack. Instead, you run off and fall in love with she-wolf from another Pack?" He shook his head shamefully. "I believed in you. You were a strong wolf to have."

The young male snorted in disgust. "What about my hopes and dreams? Isn't that why we dare to dream? To live in a Pack? So we can comfort and support each other. Have you ever thought about anything others wanted? Rather than your own?"

"I am the alpha. I always have to consider what is best or what my Pack wants." He flinched back at the young male's questioning response. "Sometimes you don't have a choice."

"But I had a choice!" The young wolf let his arrogant, cocky side get the best of him. "Maybe I don't want power! Maybe I want to have a peaceful life with my pups and grow old with my mate!" He narrowed his green eyes in frustration. "I don't want to be alpha! Especially one like you!"

That struck a nerve. The old red wolf growled deep in his throat and lunged, knocking the younger one sideways. He barrelled into a tree and gasped for breath as his former leader glared at him from where he was standing.

The young adult couldn't think of anything else. Every muscle in him was prepared to either run or stay and fight. Thoughts of fury built one on top of the next, but his fear made all of those angry thoughts wash away faster than a river's current. He crouched low to the ground with his ears flattened and lips drawn back to reveal sharp fangs, trembling all the while.

The alpha lowered his head to stare at him. They were nose to nose. The older wolf was almost a ghost in the pale moonlight. Strong powerful muscles bulged from his coat. His breath was hot in his face. The youngster couldn't believe the monster his former alpha turned into. The leader stood out sharply against the shadowed trees of the forest.

"Tell me now: Do you wish to return with me to your home Pack? Or stay with your precious mate and pups?"

The green-eyed youngster jabbed a paw under the old wolf's chin. The alpha stumbled back in shock, shaking his head slowly with a warning, meeting the young one's terrified gaze. His fangs stood out with a menacing glint. The youngster swallowed at the thought of those fangs tearing into his throat.

Frozen with fear, all the young wolf could do was stare back in silence. The leader came strutting towards him. "You never answered my question. So what's it going to be?"

The scared youth mustered up the courage to glare back defiantly, slowing drawing himself up to his full height. "I'm staying where I am now with my family. My real family. Farewell, alpha. This will be the last we meet."

He turned and started back toward home, only to stop and hear a cackle. "Oh, aren't you clever. Yes, I suppose you are right about one thing."

"And what is that?" The youngster growled without turning around. Something inside him told him to run now...before it was too late.

"That this will be our final meeting."

At those words, he whipped around to see a pair of jaws wide open heading straight at him.

Pain like a lightning bolt shot through his throat. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground with something wet and sticky pooling around him. His eyes darted around wildly only to find his alpha retreating to the shadowed trees.

After a few more seconds, he closed his eyes, never to open them again.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now