Chapter 30

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"That's it! You're getting better, Moonie!" Rascal exclaimed as Moondancer balanced on a fallen tree. She was trying to maintain her balance with her three legs.

She placed one careful paw in front of the rest. Sticking her tail out to help.

"W-whoa!" She was flailing as she fell sideways. Rascal rushed up and caught her just in time. He placed her on the ground.

"You okay?" He sniffed her for any scratches.

"Yeah." She grunted while getting to her paws.

Rascal glanced up into the eyes of two Stone Hollow wolves. One was a mother wolf. Her pups scrabbled up and stopped in front of Rascal and the she-pup.

"Wow. She looks funny." A she-pup commented while gazing at Moondancer.

Rascal recognized the pups as Delta and her brother Ghost. Their mother was Mira.

"Yeah, she does." Ghost circled Moondancer.

Moondancer looked hurt. But Rascal didn't want to scare the pups.

"Hey, don't tease her. She's been through a lot." He scolded gently.

Ghost and Delta wrinkled their noses. "It's that Rascal wolf!" Delta whisper-yelled to her brother.

Ghost nodded. "I know." Then he stepped up to Rascal. "You're an outcast! You're not welcome!"

Rascal sighed heavily. "I live in another--"

He was cut off as Mira leaped up and ran to her pups.

"Stay away from him, pups." She ordered with a contempt flick of her eyes in Rascal's direction.

Rascal bit his tongue, wanting to let the she-wolf have it. But he knew they wouldn't get far in the battle if they only argued.

The mother wolf urged her pups away with a menacing glance over her shoulder. Rascal turned back to Moondancer. "Let's continue our exercises."

A red pelt came up beside him. Tyrant. He looked urgent.

"Rascal, I must speak with you for a moment." With a sweep of his tail, he motioned for Rascal to follow him.

Rascal left Moondancer with Blossom, and he bounded to catch up with Tyrant.

The alpha led him in a well-surrounded tree-line with thick piles of sticks and dead trees. It was very secluded, which puzzled Rascal. He looked at Tyrant in confusion.

The red wolf was staring at his paws, he looked uneasy. Anxiety pulsed off him in large waves. He shuffled his paws and took a deep breath, bracing himself.

Tyrant took a steadying breath. "I've got a couple of things to tell you. You won't be glad to hear either."

Why not? Curiosity nagged his thoughts. What's so bad that I won't be able to stand it?

"Before I tell you, I just want to clear something up." Suddenly Tyrant didn't seem like a leader anymore, but a pup that's been naughty.

Rascal nodded. "Go ahead."

There was a long silence. When he spoke, Tyrant's voice was almost a whisper. "How did your father die?"

Rascal jumped in shock. What does my father have to do with it? Plus he didn't really want to discuss this topic at all.

"He...uh...was murdered by a Flame Woods wolf." The words tasted bitter in his mouth. "Why does it matter?"

Tyrant tilted his face up, eyes dim. The words he spoke nearly swept Rascal away in a river's current.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now