Chapter 12

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Misty roused the next morning in a shivering heap. Her pads were like ice, and she couldn't get warm. For a long time, she lay there, staring at the roof of the den, too weak to move. She heard paw-steps, and then a gasp.

Whoever had been there, had gone to get help. She closed her eyes and prayed silently that she would get better, and break free of this misery. More steps could be heard, and the last thing Misty remembered was being carried away to another den.

~ ~ ~

Misty slept like she hadn't in ages. She opened her eyes to see a beautiful forest filled with lush greenery and watery scents. The smell of pine flowed into her nostrils. And a pine cone fell to her paws. She glanced up to see more fall, one by one, they almost seemed to float along to the forest floor.

A familiar scent washed over her nostrils.


Her heart beating with joy, she looked around. A blue-gray shape emerged from some bushes. It was a male wolf, with radiant blue eyes and a stocky build. Long legs and perked ears. Misty almost jumped out of her skin. It was her brother!

Eyes tear-filled, she raced across to meet him. Every bound she took closer to him, gave her more spirit and excitement. She reached him and inhaled his wonderful scent. Sweet, yet strong and reassuring. Her nose buried deeper into his fur, and she felt his tongue graze her head ever so gently.

Words couldn't describe the overwhelming joy that flowed from ear to tail. Misty clenched her teeth to keep from crying. After a moment of reunion, Misty looked up into River's eyes.

His gaze was warm and filled with love. The bright blue eyes gave comfort to the green-eyed she-wolf.

"" Misty couldn't speak.

"I've always been by your side, Sis. I always will." His deep, smooth voice was graceful and lovable in every way possible. The she-wolf was chilled as she heard his voice for the first time in years. But it felt right. Oh so right.

"I'm miserable without you. And I feel so lost." Misty swallowed and twitched her ears. "And I could never ever forgive myself for letting you die like that."

River shook his head. "I did it for you. I knew you had a life full of adventure and wisdom ahead of you. And even though I had died because of that cougar, I wouldn't have had it any other way." He looked deep into Misty's eyes. "You're my sister, and you are the most important thing that had ever been in my life."

Misty began to sob more hot tears. River had given up his life, to save her. He had died when a pair of cougars raided the camp. He and Misty had been hiding under a bush. And one of the huge wildcats had drug Misty out. But before it could kill her, River launched himself at the cougar and received many serious wounds. He died a moment after he had been scratched, telling his sister that he loved her, and wanted her to live the life that he couldn't.

"But it should've been me to bleed to death. Not you! The cougar had me first. I should've been the one to go." Misty slumped over and stared at her paws through a teary gaze.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, Misty"

The white she-wolf slowly raised her eyes to her brother's. She saw the love and understanding in his calming eyes.

"You are the most important thing to me. I died for you because, I loved you, and wanted you to live a long, happy life, with a mate and pups of your own. I don't want you to miss me, because I'll always be with you; No matter where you go."

River rasped his tongue over Misty's cheek one more time. He then faded away, winking at his sister as he went.

I'll always be by your side, Sis. I always will...

~ ~ ~

Misty opened her eyes. The heat of fever swelled around her. Dim sunlight splashed through the den, casting shadows over the floor. Her entire body ached. She felt like she couldn't catch enough breath, and her chest was sore and felt like it was burning.

She forced herself to her paws but collapsed in a fit of coughing. Every spasm hurt. It felt like she was wheezing. Pain enveloped her chest. After the coughing spell was over, she lay, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. Her throat was dry, and she needed to drink.

She turned her head to look around for water. But there wasn't any in sight. With a groan, she eased her head back down on the comfortable bedding. Misty heard voices and pricked her ears. She could tell one voice was Blossom's; soft and gentle with reassurance. The other one was much deeper, and she knew it was Tyrant; stern and gruff with hope edged around his bark.

Blossom padded in a moment later. When she saw Misty, her violet eyes lit up with relief. The healer grabbed a bundle of herbs and set them down in front of Misty, along with a hollow stone filled with water.

The white wolf eagerly lapped up the water, thinking that it never had tasted so good. Then she took the medicine and made a face as it went down her sore throat. But it also felt good and seemed to relieve her throat enough so she could speak without pain.

"Thanks, Blossom." She croaked. Then her green eyes glowed with wonder. "What happened last night?"

The black she-wolf settled down in front of her. "You woke up shivering uncontrollably. And..."

"What-" Misty broke off coughing some more. Yet she felt a sting in her nose and felt a sticky liquid come from it. Dizziness swept over her, and the world spun before her. Blossom leaped up and grabbed a moistened rabbit pelt, laying it across Misty's nose.

Misty's dizziness had gone as fast it had come. The pelt was pulled away, and Misty gasped, horrified. There was a dark red stain, that was wet and sticky. Blood...

She glanced at Blossom for information. The healer sighed and shook her head.

"Misty, you woke up shivering as I said, and you had blood streaming from your nose. Jumper was going to check on you, but when he saw you in such a state, he hurried to find me and brought me to examine you. Jumper and Isaac had carried you to my den so I could keep an eye on you."

Misty was speechless. She stared at the wall, unable to process all of this at once.

"Actually," Blossom confessed. "You had been out-cold for almost three days." Her violet eyes clouded with concern.

The white wolf pushed to her paws and tried to stumble out into the open. But she collapsed once more, in another bout of painful coughing. Blossom was at her side and had given her another dose of sweet honey to soothe her cough and throat.

Misty cursed to herself silently. Get up you lazy mutt! Your Pack needs you!

She stood, but her legs gave out and she fell again. Weakness spread throughout her muscles, and she couldn't stand. Blossom helped her back to her nest. Misty settled down with a thump.

The healer gently stroked Misty's back with her paw. "You must rest, Misty. I have already told Tyrant about your episode. And he understands that there is no point in forcing your body to do something that is impossible in a state, such as yours."

Misty nodded and rested her head back down. She closed her eyes and felt a shiver pass through her. Grinning to herself, she knew it was River. And she heard his gentle voice whisper:

Fear not, Sis. I will make sure you get your strength back. After all, I did die for you, for a very special reason...

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