Chapter 2

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"Sir," a young white she-wolf padded up to her leader. "There's a herd of elk. Coming from the West." Misty reported, focusing her light green eyes on her alpha.

He paced back and forth. Misty sensed his pleasure and in fact, felt pleased with herself. She knew she was capable of killing any wolf or creature that may interfere with her Pack. She had been specially trained, like all of the other wolves in her Pack, to fight a certain way in battle. Every bit of strength she has goes to her Packmates. Without a doubt, she knew she was one of the most skilled and intelligent wolves in her Pack. 

Those years of training proved worthy, she thought with a satisfied smirk.

She doesn't try to boast or brag. It's the truth. She's a smart, loyal wolf to her kind. She has always wanted to be one of the best fighters, and now she is. Even the older wolves looked up to her. She definitely was a talented wolf to have in Flame Woods Pack. Her respect was earned. She proved herself worthy, even after everything she's been through.

"Yes, that's good," Tyrant replied, continuing his pacing. "Flame Woods needs more prey. Especially since the winter season is right around the corner." He finally stopped and faced Misty. "Were there any more Stone Hollow Pack scent on our side of the border?"

Misty shook her head. "No, sir. I'm sure we taught them a lesson they won't soon forget." She curled her lip in the start of a snarl, remembering the Pack her ancestors have battled since the early ages.

"No need to get angry, Misty," Tyrant reassured her. "As long as we keep watch on our borders, we should be fine. Speaking of that, why don't you go ahead and take up your watch on the Northern border? Relieve Jumper from his shift."

Misty nodded and trotted out of camp. Cool air encircled her in refreshing scents. The moon shone brightly in the sky as the stars twinkled and blinked at her in hello. The ground was damp underpaw. Everything was peaceful. She felt one with the forest around her. Misty gazed in the endless expanse of trees and hills. The world wasn't just a piece of land and water; it was a beautiful breathtaking life with so much to give. And it was a wonderful life.

Misty climbed up a steep slope with a worn down path sheltered by the trees. She went with the flow of the up-carrying elevation. She glanced across the silent forest. Everything was turned to silver by the touch of the moon.

Panting, Misty reached the top and relieved her best friend from his watch. Her pelt brushed his, and he jumped in surprise. He met her green gaze with his brown ones. "Oh, hey Misty."

She sat down beside Jumper and looked in his dark-colored eyes. "Any trouble?"

"No. Honestly it's been so boring, that I got excited when a hare crossed the border." He chuckled. His ears were perked with laughter. "Well, I guess I should report back."

He started to bound down the trail back home. But he jumped when a thundering crack shattered the air.

The two shared a concerned look. Misty belly-crawled to peer over the edge. At first, she was confused. Nothing dangerous was in sight. Until a red wolf shot out from some sheltered area with a dog nipping at its heels. A Mortal was trailing behind, shaking a thunder-stick furiously.

Misty squinted and realized the wolf was Fire! The Flame Woods second-in-command! He was running awkwardly. Misty realized his back left leg was bleeding, and dragging limply behind him as he ran.

The older wolf rounded an oak tree, tripping on a root sticking out, to tumble to the bottom of a hill. He lay there limp. Misty thought he was dead until he stirred and struggled to stand. He was tackled by the dog and beaten more.

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