Chapter 9

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Misty stared at Rascal. She could feel his unease and anxiety. Satisfaction flooded her body. And she couldn't help but feel great when he opened his eyes to look at her with a failed glint in his eye.

Misty chuckled coldly and rolled her eyes. "You know I could follow your blood trail, right?"

He looked confused. "Huh?"

"You obviously cut yourself on a pebble. That's one of the first things you'll learn to cope with." She brought up her paw to show that she knew where he had been cut.

Rascal turned his paw over to examine his pad. He had a stunned expression on his face. Then he raised his head to look at her with astonishment. "H-How did you know?"

Misty shrugged. "The way your blood was trailed gave it away."


The she-wolf was now entirely pleased with herself. She flashed him a devious grin. Misty knew this wolf wasn't used to the ways of Flame Woods Pack. But he must learn...

She approached him. He flinched back in fear.

"Honestly," Misty growled in annoyance and rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to kill you, okay? I was only going to help you back to camp."

His eyes glowed with uncertainty as he hesitated. He finally gave in and Misty pressed her shoulder against his to help him back. She noticed the way his body tensed when their fur brushed. Misty almost snorted in laughter at that. Uneasy when our fur touches, eh?

She helped him along slowly. The silence from him was enough to tell Misty that he was uncomfortable. They reached the camp, where Tyrant advanced toward them in anger. His amber eyes glowed as they landed on Misty.

The she-wolf flinched back in shock. Why is he angry with me?

After a long moment, the alpha finally managed to let out some words. Of disappointment and frustration.

"Misty, you should've been watching him. When we have a captive, he must be watched."

Confusion swept through her. "What do you mean? You didn't ask me to keep an eye on him."

Tyrant tensed. Then slowly relaxed. "Fine, but from now on, you will make sure he doesn't escape."

As much as Misty didn't want to do this, she didn't argue. She forced herself to say she would. And then she turned back to her responsibility. Rascal gazed at her with uncertainty.

Misty thought about everything she would be responsible for. First off, she'd have to teach this uneducated wolf how to hunt and fight as they do. And have him watch borders, and defend her Pack in battle.

Wait, are we even keeping him?

She groaned inwardly. But she reminded herself that Tyrant wanted her to do this. And that she really had no choice. She never had trained any wolf before. Misty was very young, and wouldn't train a wolf until her later years. But Rascal here may be the greatest challenge she would ever face.

She stepped up to Rascal and looked him up and down. The medicine concoction that Blossom had made up was working well. The minor scratches and scrapes were gone. The cut across his muzzle was looking better. But her eyes flitted to the sprain.

Misty fixed him with her intense green stare. "Well?" She prompted. "Is it any better?"

Rascal tried to put some weight on it. He set his paw down delicately, only to draw it away quickly. He gritted his teeth. "Still hurts."

Misty rolled her eyes and sighed. "Seriously, wolves like you are so pathetic. You get a cut and think you're dying." She gestured with her head to the entrance. "Today you'll learn to defend yourself, even when you're injured." She briskly trotted out into the cold air, angling her ears to hear Rascal's uneven gait following her.

She went straight into a thick forest. Layers of pine needles brushed her pads as she scooted across the forest floor. They finally entered an open clearing. The clouds from earlier had rolled away to reveal the bright sun. Even though the sun was up, it was still pretty cold out.

The opening was soft with pine needles and soft grass. So if anyone was thrown to the ground hard while training, it wouldn't hurt them so bad.

Misty padded to the center and turned around to face Rascal. He looked very nervous. And Misty once again found pleasure in his anxiety. She watched him as he took in everything around him. Then after some time, she spoke up.

"Okay, the first thing you should learn is defense."

Rascal snorted in amusement and rolled his eyes. "I can defend myself, thank you very much."

Misty didn't like his cockiness. She dashed forward and swept his paws out from underneath him. She pinned him on his back. He stared at her blankly as she pressed her paws down on him.

"Well? Looks like we've got some work to do." She got off him. And he rose and shook his pelt of dirt and sticks. Misty went back to the center and sat down, sizing him up. "You got cocky. And where does that get you? Nowhere," She flicked her tail. "I'll attack you, and you defend yourself with what you know."

Rascal nodded and narrowed his eyes at her. He wiggled his shoulders and crouched low. After a moment, Misty sprang at him. Rascal tried to slide to the side, but he wasn't quick enough. The she-wolf bowled him over, and he tumbled away.

Misty stood, panting. "You're too slow," She trotted over to his side and watched as he struggled to his paws. "You waited too long to dodge. And you should've at least retaliated with a smack to one of my legs as I went past."

Rascal glared at her now. "Oh yeah? What if I wanna fight my own way? What if I can't because I'm injured?" His voice was defiant, and his head was high.

Misty, quick as lightning, flashed out a paw and hit him across the muzzle. He shook his head and stared at her blankly. The she-wolf arched an eyebrow at him.

Misty sat down and tilted her head to the side in a challenging manner. "Now you attack me. Show me what you got."

There was no hesitation. Rascal leaped at her and pushed her back with his forepaws. Misty dodged as he tried to aim a smack at her legs. The she-wolf ran around him in circles. She noticed the frustration in his eyes as she continued round and round.

She knew he would never catch her. So she slowed down and padded to his side. "I guess once you get better, we'll try it again."

They continued to train until evening fell over the forest. Misty finally decided it was time for them to head back.

"That's enough for today, " she said. "Tyrant probably wants us back."

The walk was quiet. Not a sound in the forest. Rascal shuffled behind her, paws brushing some leftover leaves from fall.

He tripped over a root. Misty didn't stop to help him. She continued walking ahead without even glancing back. She heard him curse to himself and hurry to catch up. He walked beside her with an annoyed look on his face.

"Are you always this helpful?" Rascal asked with the slightest growl in his voice.

Misty barely side-glanced his way. "You don't know me well enough to assume that."

"I don't have to assume anything, " Rascal spat. "I have a sprained paw. Blossom said it would be best if I rest."

Misty stopped and glared at him. "I'm not your mother. I don't have to pick you up every time you fall. Grow a backbone and get up yourself. Someone is always waiting to knock you down."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now