Chapter 13

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Rascal padded out of camp, his ears drooping. He had been asked to go out on a hunt with Melody, Frost, and Wren. Honestly, he didn't want to. After Misty's sudden fever illness, he didn't wanna go anywhere.

Hesitantly, he glanced back to Blossom's den. The healer emerged with a pleasant look on her face. Rascal sighed. That must mean Misty is doing better. His paws wouldn't budge as he had taken a moment to collect himself. A sharp bark brought him back to his senses.

"Hurry up!" Frost snapped. "We don't have all day! And the Pack needs more meat." The she-wolf spun around with her muzzle high and stalked out of camp with Melody and Wren at her sides. Rascal inhaled deeply to keep himself from protesting. He raised his chin and walked out in the open with a proud look on his face.

The ground was slushy and wet beneath his paws. It annoyed him, but he knew he couldn't shake it off without getting more on his pads. Unlike Rascal, who was very good at not complaining, the she-wolves hated the moistness that stuck to their paws.

"Ugh!" Wren whined. "Why couldn't it be a sunnier day? My paws are slippery!"

"No kidding!" Melody complained in frustration. "This is unacceptable!"

Frost slipped and fell into the mud. "Oh! Now, look at me! I'm a mess!"

Rascal snorted in laughter. The she-wolves whipped their heads to glare at him.

"Shut your muzzle!" Melody snapped. "This isn't funny!"

"Males." Wren rolled her eyes. "They think every little thing we mess up is hilarious."

Misty isn't that ignorant. Rascal thought with a faint smile. She wouldn't complain unless it mattered.

They continued on through the forest and winding creeks. It seemed like ages for them to make it to the hunting grounds. The herd was grazing contently on the few sprigs of grass that grew. Melody signaled with her ears. They all split off to surround the herd.

Rascal remembered the horrible day when Misty had been pinned underwater by the cow elk. At first, he didn't know where she could've been. Until he saw bubbles pop to the surface. And he desperately dove down to see what the matter was. Once he reached Misty, he bit the elk's leg, and it released her almost instantly.

Misty burst up to the surface and sucked in air like she hadn't in years. Then she turned around and helped finish the hunt. After that, she shakily came to shore and collapsed in shock and exhaustion with relief.

But she had gotten terribly sick and was confined to Blossom's den until she was well enough to return to her normal tasks. Anxiety gnawed at his stomach. Misty wasn't doing any better. And that made him uneasy.

He shook away his thoughts and crouched down, hiding among the brush and piles of twigs that were scattered about. He pulled one leg forward at a time, making sure to make no noise. Rascal tensed his muscles when he was close enough to leap. He was about to spring when Wren and Frost jumped from their hiding places to pursue the elk.

Really? He snorted with a roll of his eyes.

Rascal leaped out from the brush, and with every stride, he brought himself closer to his prey. Wren's tail was only a few paw-steps ahead of him. So he overtook her in a couple of strides, his legs being longer of course.

He streamed ahead of the she-wolves. His paws thrummed over the frozen earth as the elk's haunches came into view. Heart pounding, he drew himself forward with all of the strength in his legs. He launched forward and grabbed hold of the elk's tail. It squealed and swerved left, trying to run him into trees.

Rascal held on tighter. His jaws began to ache. But thankfully, Melody was there and closed her mouth around the elk's throat. The cow dropped to the forest floor and died within seconds.

Rascal and the she-wolves hauled their kill back. Snow fell softly against their pelts. The snowflakes fluttered to the ground and stuck. No wind was present, and even though the air was still, it felt cold enough for his pads to swell with soreness.

They entered camp, Melody and the others placed the elk on the meat pile, while Rascal made it over to his den. He was just about to enter when a soft gentle voice fluttered to his ears.

"Hey, Rascal," Blossom's violet eyes glimmered with admiration. She glanced over to the she-wolves setting down their kill. "Looks like we'll eat well tonight."

Rascal felt pleasure sweep through his pelt, yet embarrassment at the same time. "T-thanks." His eyes dropped to his paws. "It's hard to scent the elk because it's cold out and-"

Blossom chuckled warmly. She twitched her ears and looked up at him. "You're very talented." She said shyly. "I wouldn't be able to hunt like that, even if I tried."

Rascal pricked his ears up in interest. "You can learn."

She flinched back in surprise. "Me? No, I...I couldn't. Healers can't hunt or defend..." She trailed off.

The male scooted closer to her. "Yes, you can. Blossom, you're a very smart she-wolf. You can learn to do anything you want!" His eyes warmed as he met hers. "You never know when you may need those skills."

"I don't know..." She shook her head and scuffed her paws across the ground. "I've been trained to heal and fix others' wounds. Not to get all bloody and provide."

Rascal could understand how she felt. Her whole life, she trained to become a healer. And to have a sudden change may feel frightening at first. He himself had grown accustomed to the ways of Flame Woods Pack, whether he liked it or not. He learned to hunt and defend himself from other wolves or creatures that may harm him.

He pressed his pelt comfortingly against hers. And he was pleased when she didn't move away from his touch. The thought of perhaps training another wolf was pleasing to him. He knew he could train Blossom. And he knew she could learn. But the both of them must fully commit to this if they wish to accomplish it.

"At least think about it." He whispered into her ear.

Blossom sighed and her violet eyes sparkled as they met Rascal green ones. "I will think about it. But I can't promise you anything." She softly licked Rascal's cheek and padded off to her den.

He stared after her in admiration. She was so kind, sweet, and very pretty. Rascal watched her disappear behind her den before going to his.


Rascal had been napping in his den but awoke to an anxious bark. Thunder's voice boomed like the sound he was named for.

"We're under attack! Stone Hollow Pack is raiding our camp!"

A Wolf's Tale (Book #1) The Secrets UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now