Chapter 28

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Rascal and Misty hoped to make it back to Flame Woods by nightfall. They didn't rest or stop for a meal. They wanted to get home as soon as possible.

The air was bitter cold, but the faintest scent of Spring clung to the air. But it was nowhere near Spring.

Misty fell in step next to Rascal. He was thankful he didn't have to do this alone, and that she had agreed to travel with him.

I wouldn't be able to do this without her.

Rascal let his feet scrape the ground, looking at Misty admiringly.

She must've sensed his feeling. She stopped and faced him, eyes round and understanding. Rascal inhaled her scent. Feeling very at peace and warm inside.

"Thank you." He whispered in her ear, sensing her shiver at his breath.

Nothing else seemed to matter. Misty was the center of his attention. And he wouldn't have it any other way. Her strength and courage balanced well with his fairness and honesty. He couldn't wait for the battle to be over. Then they could be together forever.

A jolt of realization hit him in the face. What if she doesn't live through the battle?

The pads of his paws pricked anxiously. That very thought made his stomach twist into an endless knot.

What if I don't live?

He hadn't thought about how many lives would be lost. Who knows, perhaps no one would make it......

He shrugged off those painful predictions. Focusing on Misty.

Her brilliant eyes showed her deep love and trust for him. It melted his heart, and his legs felt like water.

She pressed herself into his fur, closing her eyes and embracing him. Rascal placed a paw on her back, pulling them closer together.

"I was glad to help." Misty's voice carried to his ears.


They entered camp at midnight. Eventually, every wolf was in the clearing, asking questions and welcoming them home.

Tyrant was the last to see them. He flicked his tail for Rascal and Misty to follow him to his den. They entered and sat down, exchanging words about the journey there and back. Rascal explained how Skylark ambushed them and why they had to wait so long for Howler's agreement.

"Howler agreed?" Tyrant's voice was firm, but his eyes portrayed his surprise. "That's surprising. In the long years I've known him, never before has he done something like that."

"It wasn't easy," Misty admitted. "His Pack almost convinced him to drive us out."

Tyrant nodded. "Well, everyone here is glad you returned. Now run along you two. Help yourselves to some fresh meat and get some rest. You need it."

Rascal remembered he had hardly eaten in almost two days. His belly was raging with hunger.

He and Misty dipped their heads and exited. They headed straight for the elk meat. Rascal grabbed a large leg bone, heavy with meat. The two shared it, gulping it down as quickly as it had been caught.

Bellies full, they stretched and licked their lips. A shadow fell over them, and they glanced up into the eyes of Jumper.

"Jumper!" Misty leaped up and nuzzled her friend. The brown wolf looked very excited to see her.

"How was the trip?"

"Oh! It was all right. Very tiring and long but we made it."

Jumper nodded. "I told Moonie about Wren, and her brothers, once she gained conscience. I thought that would be the last thing you wanted to do when you returned."

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