Arrival on Kamino

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4 hours after Dakota jumped to hyperspace.

  Dakota P.O.V.

Dakota was glad to finally get to Kamino, he had fallen asleep for about an hour on the way here, then just sat and relaxed the rest of the trip. As he came out of hyperspace, he saw a good sized fleet of venator-class jedi cruisers.

As Dakota got closer to the fleet, a voice came over the communication channel, it said," Pilot of the arc-170, please transmit clearance code

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As Dakota got closer to the fleet, a voice came over the communication channel, it said," Pilot of the arc-170, please transmit clearance code." Dakota nodded and replied," Clearance code is 3354thx92." The trooper on the com-channel said,"You are cleared to land commander Cundiff." Dakota said,"Thank you trooper.",and started making his way down towards the surface of the planet.

As he got closer to Tipoca city, Dakota saw that the city was quiet, he then remembered it was the middle of the night. As Dakota landed my fighter, he slowly and quietly got out and started heading towards the barracks to get some sleep. On Kamino in the barracks, there is a separate area where clones who were visiting Kamino would sleep at. Dakota knew that Lama-su would be informed of his arrival on Kamino. But that's not what worried Dakota. What worried him was he would have to break into Nala Se's lab to study the chip. He was gonna have to be careful, so he wouldn't reveal what he was up to. Tomorrow he would find out what caused Tup to kill general Tiplar and why Fives had died because of it.

Looks like the next chapter will begin a bit of trouble for Dakota. I'll work on it tonight and finish and post it tomorrow. Jedimaster129 out 😎.

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